Michael Tremper1
#1509, (circa March 1745 - circa 1788)
| | He was a peruke maker (men's wigs.)2 |
Birth* | circa March 1745 | He was born circa March 1745 at New York, New York.3,1 |
Baptism | 13 March 1745 | He was baptized on 13 March 1745 at Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam, New York, New York.4 |
Marriage* | 15 March 1767 | He married Louisa Van Deusen, daughter of Daniel Van Deursen and Leah Hartje, on 15 March 1767 at Reformed Dutch Church, New York, New York.5,6 |
Baptism | 10 July 1768 | He witnessed the baptism of Lea Van Deursen on 10 July 1768 at New York.7 |
| 1769 | He was admitted as a Freeman in 1769 at New York.8 |
| 1776 | He and Louisa Van Deusen removed to Fishkill, New York in 1776 during the evacuation of New York City; during the evacuation of New York.9 |
| 1777 | He served in the Dutchess County militia in 1777 at Fishkill Landing, Dutchess Co., New YorkG.10,11,12  |
| 1785 | He and Louisa Van Deusen removed from Dutchess County to New York City, New York, in 1785.2 |
Baptism | 25 November 1787 | He witnessed the baptism of Leah Collord on 25 November 1787 at New York.13,14 |
Death* | circa 1788 | He died circa 1788 at New YorkG; (source has 1786.)15 |
- [S203] Eugene B. Willard, Daniel Webster Williams, George Ott Newman and Charles Boardman Taylor, editor, A Standard History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio (2 volumes) (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1916), pp 846/7.
- [S2615] David Franks and Noah Webster, The New York Directory 1786 (New York: The Trow City Directory Co., 1886), Annals, p. 89. "Michael Tremper peruke maker and hair dresser 26 Little Dock St. returns thanks for custom since his return to the city, and has for sale the most fashionable Wigs for gentlemen."
- [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, editor, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Baptisms From 1731 to 1800 (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1902), p. 113. Michiel, son of Jacob Tremper and Anna Maria Pheffer, bapt. 13 Mar 1745; sponsors Adam Pheffer, Angenietje
Van Hoorn, h. v. van [wife of] Johannes Pheffer. - [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1731–1800, p. 116. Michiel, son of Jacob Tremper and Anna Maria Pheffer, bapt. 13 Mar 1745; sponsors Adam Pheffer, Angenietje Van Hoorn, h. v. van [wife of] Johannes Pheffer.
- [S666] Samuel S. Purple, editor, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801 (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1890), p. 226. Michael Trumpher and Lea Van Deursen, marr. 15 Mar 1767.
- [S207] New York Marriages to 1784 (O'Callaghan), online Ancestry.com, Names of Persons for Whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued By the Secretary of the Province of New York, Previous to 1784. "T", page 398, entry no. 1767: Mar. 2. Tremper, Michael, and Leah Van Duesen, M.B., XI:38.
- [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1731–1800, p. 304. Lea, dau. of Isaac Van Deursen and Rachel Bergen, bapt. 10 Jul 1768; sponsors Michael Tremper and Lea Van Deursen, his wife.
- [S368] Frank Munsell and Thomas P. Hughes, compilers, American Ancestry, twelve volumes (Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1887-1899), vol. 11, p. 61.
- [S368] Frank Munsell and Thomas P. Hughes, American Ancestry, 11:61.
- [S1499] Revolutionary War Rolls, compiled 1894 - 1913, documenting the period 1775 - 1783, Publication no. M246, Record Group 93, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, District of Columbia, online www.Fold3.com, New York, 1777, Folder 82, Brinckerhoff's Regiment of Militia, img. 132/141 (date data also in img. 130/141). Pay Roll of Capt. Evart W. Swart's Company, in Colonel Dirck Brinckerhoff's Regiment of Militia in Dutchess County employed to guard Fushkille Landing from 12 Oct 1777 to 26 Oct 1777, both days included. Line 24, Michael Tremper, 13 days, pay £1 3s 1¼p.
- [S783] New York Military in the Revolution, online Ancestry.com, p. 135, Dutchess County Militia -- Second Regiment, Col. Abraham Brinckerhoff, Enlisted Men; Michael Tremper.
- [S368] Frank Munsell and Thomas P. Hughes, American Ancestry, XI:61, "served in the Dutchess co. militia under Col. Abraham Brinkerhoff."
- [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1731–1800, p. 388. Leah, dau. of James Colland [sic] and Mary Trimper [sic], b. 26 Sep 1787, bapt. 25 Nov 1787; sponsors Michael Trimper and Leah Trimper.
- [S1140] Baptismal Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York 1741–1801, Bound manuscript (New York: The Holland Society, unknown publish date), II:238, bapt. 25 Nov 1787, b. 24 Oct 1787. Leah Colland [sic], dau. of James Colland and Mary Trimper; witnesses Michael Trimper and Leah Trimper.
- [S409] Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution (Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1976), p. 645. "Tremper, Michael, b. 13 Mar 1745, N.Y., d. 1786, N.Y., m. 2 Mar 1767 [license issued], N.Y.. Leah Van Deusen, b. 1759, d. 1826."
- [S208] Richard Hayman Tremper, A History of the Tremper and Jeffries Families (privately published, 1971).
- [S203] Eugene B. Willard, Daniel Webster Williams, George Ott Newman and Charles Boardman Taylor, A Standard History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio, pp 846–847.
- [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1731–1800, p. 327. Jakob, son of Michael Tremper and Lea Van Deursen, bapt. 1 Mar 1772; sponsors Abraham Van Deursen and Annatje Zikkels, j.d.
- [S1193] Tobias Alexander Wright, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1731–1800, p. 339. Catharina, dau. of Michel Tremper and Lea Van Deursen, bapt. 13 Mar 1774; sponsors Thomas Schefield and Catharina King, his wife.
- [S368] Frank Munsell and Thomas P. Hughes, American Ancestry, XI:61, "Michael, b. in Fishkill Oct. 30, 1778."