- [S286] Captain Albert Harrison Van Deusen, Van Deursen Family (New York: Frank Allaben Genealogical Company, 1912), p. 58: "Anna Waldron; b Nov. 19, 1681, "wed, V. Francois Buis V. N. York." She was the dau of Daniel Waldron (see Miscellaneous and Related Families) and Sara Rutgers, dau of Rutger (Willemsen) Van Langendyke and Gysbertie Martyns. Daniel Waldron was b in 1656, son of Joseph W. Waldron and Annetje Daniels; he was a gun-stock maker in New York, in which city he was granted a Freeman's Right Aug. 30, 1698 (New York Hist. Coll., Vol. 18, p. 67)."
- [S225] James Riker, Revised History of Harlem (City of New York): Its Origin and Early Annals (New York: New Harlem Publishing Co., 1904), p. 94, "Joseph and Resolved Waldron, sons of Resolved Waldron, of Amsterdam."
- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volume 126 (Jan-Jul 1995): p. 19.
- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", p. 13. "...Joseph Waldron, used the patronymic Willemsen or Willemsz. He was styled as such at the time of his first marriage in 1639 to Aeltje Hendricks."
- [S225] James Riker, Revised History of Harlem, p. 94.
- [S520] VWH, from marr. record, b. in Amsterdam.
- [S1321] Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948, images, online FamilySearch.org, Joseph Willemsen [Waldron] and Aeltie Hendrix, marr. intentions registered 22 Oct 1639. [Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948: Nederlands Hervormde: Amsterdam: Huwelijksaangiften, Trouwen 1638-1640 (n.p.): img. 420/657 (vol. 970, FHL Film 0113353).]
- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", p. 20, citing Marriage Intentions 452:226; FHL 0113199; transcription and translation courtesy of Mr. Otto Schutte.
22 October 1639. Joseph Willemsen, bombazine worker, living in the Soetenaam Jesussteegje [Sweet Name of Jesus Alley], and Aeltie Heijndrix, from A[msterdam], 20 years old, living in the Annenstraat, attended by Roeloff Janss, her guardian, and Claesjen Lamberts, her mother. In the margin: Debora Jans, the godmother, consents to this marriage; Harmen Allertss declares that the godmother consents to the marriage. Signed: Josef Welmes, Aelten Hendryck...( Roeloff Janss, the guardian of the bride, was also her stepfather).
- [S1321] Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, online FamilySearch.org, Josep Willemsen [Waldron] and Aeltje Hendrickx, marr. 6 Nov 1639, entry 7. Nederlands Hervormde: Amsterdam: Trouwen 1565-1669: img. 338/628 (Trouwen bk. 970 1621-1641, FHL 0113353).
- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", p. 20, at the Old Church in Amsterdam, citing DTB 970:n.p.; FHL 0113353.
- [S1321] Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, online FamilySearch.org, Josep Waldron, wid. of Aeltie Hendrix, and Annetje Daniels, age 25, marr. intentions registered 13 Mar 1649. [Nederlands Hervormde: Amsterdam: Huwelijksaangiften, Trouwen 1647-1649: image 496/574 (Marriage Intentions vol. 466, sh. 199, p. 396; FHL 0113205)]

- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", p. 20, citing Marriage Intentions 466:396; FHL 0113205; transcription and translation courtesy of Mr. Otto Schutte.
13 March 1649. Appeared as before, Josep Waldron, from Amsterdam, book printer, widower of Aeltie Hendrix, living on the hook of the Passeerderstraat, and Annetje Daniels, from Amsterdam, living on the Elandsgracht, 25 years old, attended by her [rest is crossed out]. In the margin: he has declared [to the Orphans Court] 12 March 1649. Winkelman brought the mother’s attestation; the mother consents to the marriage. Signed: Joseph Waldron, bride signed by mark.
- [S1321] Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, online FamilySearch.org, Josep Waldron and Annetje Daniels, marr, 4 Apr 1649. Nederlands Hervormde: Amsterdam: Trouwen 1565-1669: img. 437/628 (DTB 971:n.p.; FHL Film 0113353).
- [S1320] Douglas Richardson, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron", p. 20, at the Old Church in Amsterdam, citing DTB 971:n.p.; FHL 0113353.
- [S225] James Riker, Revised History of Harlem, p. 94, preceded his brother by two years " according to his son's reckoning."
- [S1347] Berthold Fernow, editor, The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674, seven volumes (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1897), II:95. Present the W. Heeren, Oloff Stevensen, Johannes Verbrugge, Jacob Strycker, Jan Vinje, Willm Beeckman, and Hendrick Kip.
Abraham Jacobsen, pltf. v/s Joseph Waldron, deft. Pltf. says, that a sow pig was found on the land of Harmen Smeeman and as no one knew it, Harmen Smeeman gave her to him, on this condition, if the owner came, that he should give her up, whereupon he caused her to be proclaimed; and whereas deft. seized and keeps possession of her without saying, that she is his, requests that deft. shall shew, what right he has to her, or allow him to retain her. Deft. denies having said that it is his pig, but says that it came in the winter among his hogs, ran with them and eat with them, without his knowing, who the right owner was: And should the Court decide, that pltf. shall have it, though he has no more right or ownership to it than he, he is ready to give it up. Parties being heard, the Court decides, since parties on both sides declare themselves not to be the right owner of the hog in question, that the same shall be proclaimed by the Deacons, and in case no demand nor right owner comes forward within 8 days after, that the said pig shall then be delivered to the Deaconry.
. Hereinafter cited as Records of New Amsterdam. - [S225] James Riker, Revised History of Harlem, p. 692, footnote.
- [S520] VWH.
- [S1171] Thomas Grier Evans, editor, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Baptisms From 1639 to 1730 (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1901), p. 47. Anetje, dau. of Joseph and Annetje Daniels, bapt. 23 Sep 1657; sponsors Resolveert Waldron and Wyntie Verhavens.
- [S1171] Thomas Grier Evans, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1639–1730, p. 53. Debora, dau. of Joseph Waldron and Annetje Daniels, bapt. 31 Aug 1659; sponsors "Willem, Tanneken Nagels."
- [S1171] Thomas Grier Evans, Records of the RDC in NY: Baptisms 1639–1730, p. 60. Jan, son of Joseph Waldronand Annetie Daniels, bapt. 24 Apr 1661; sponsors Resolveert Waldron "en syn huysvrouw" ["and his wife"].