Sylvester Baldwin1
#2889, (say 1564 - before 1632/33)
| | If Sylvester m. Jane in 1590 (as both Chester and Baldwin say), and his son Richard had his first child in 1611 (and m. Phillippa in 1607 according to Chester), then the time line is very compressed and maybe even unlikely (i.e., Richard's marriage at age 16 or 17).2 |
Birth* | say 1564 | He was born say 1564 at EnglandG.3 |
| between 24 November 1565 and 24 October 1566 | In Ellen Apuke's will dated between 24 November 1565 and 24 October 1566 at Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, EnglandG, Sylvester Baldwin was named as an heir, "unto Rychard Baldwyn and to Sylvester Baldwyn my son Henry Baldwyn's children, each of them, xiid."4  |
Marriage* | 28 September 1590 | He married Jane Wells on 28 September 1590 at Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire, EnglandG.5,6 |
| 4 June 1622 | In Alice _____'s will dated 4 June 1622, Sylvester Baldwin was named as an heir, of £20.7 |
Death* | before 1632/33 | He died before 1632/33.8 |
- [S324] Col. Joseph L. Chester, "Report of Investigations concerning the Family of Baldwin, of Aston Clinton, Co. Bucks", New England Historic Genealogical Register 38 (1884): pp. 160-170, 289-299, 372-376.
- [S520] VWH.
- [S324] Col. Joseph L. Chester, "Family of Baldwin": 167, with Richard, named in his grandmother's will of 1565 or 1566.
- [S324] Col. Joseph L. Chester, "Family of Baldwin": p. 163, full abstract of the will of Ellen Apuke: "To be buried in the church yard of Aston Clinton—to the poor there 12d, & to the poor of Cholsbury 12d—to each of my god-children 4 pence—to each of my childrens’ children 4 pence—to each of my daughters Cecilye and Lettys sundry linen, household stuff, &c. when married. they to be guided in their marriage by my cousin George Baldwin—to Richard and Sylvester, children of my son Henry Baldwin, each 12 pence—residue of personalty to my son John Baldwin, and he to be my executor—overseer, my son Henry Baldwin."
As to the date of the will and of Ellen's death, "The original will of the widow Ellen is among the records of the Court of the Archdeaconry of Bucks. but the probate act is missing. so that it is impossible to determine exactly when it was proved, and thus obtain the approximate date of her death. The date is the 24th of some month [the paper just here eaten or torn away] in the 8th year of Queen Elizabeth. The exact date may therefore have been the 24th of November, 1565, or the 24th of any month thereafter down to 24th October, 1566. She signed her name “Elyn Baldwin,” and described herself as of “ Donrich,” in the parish of Aston Clinton, co. Bucks, widow." - [S325] Charles Candee Baldwin, Baldwin Genealogy Supplement of 1889 (Cleveland, O.: The Leader Printing Company, 1889), p. 988-9.
- [S324] Col. Joseph L. Chester, "Family of Baldwin": p. 289: "There seems hardly room for doubt that he was the Sylvester Baldwin who was married at Cholesbury, near Aston Clinton, 28 Sept. 1590, to Jane Wells (the name is neither Willis nor Wilde, as stated in the printed account of the family)."
- [S324] Col. Joseph L. Chester, "Family of Baldwin": 166, abstract: "To be buried in the parish church of Aston Clinton, near my late husband Henry Baldwin—to my sons Richard, Sylvester, & John Baldwin, each £20.—to my daughter Mary Salter, £10., my best gold ring, best gown, &c.—to the children of my said son Sylvester Baldwin, viz. John, Henry, Sylvester, Richard, William. Alice, & Jane, each 40 shillings—to the children of my son John Baldwin, viz. Richard, John, Mary, Agnes, & Martha, each 40s—to the children of my daughter Mary Salter, viz. Richard, Thomas, John, David, Susanna, Mary, & Sarah, each 40 shillings—to the children of my daughter Jane Bonus, viz. Henry, James. John, Christian, Faith, Mary, & Jane, each a sum varying from £4. to £10.-—to Henry Stonehill my son in law, & his children Henry. Jane & Agnes, each 40 shillings—to Anne, daughter of my son Robert Baldwin, 40 shillings—to my brother Thomas King 10 shillings & to his children 20 shillings among them—to William son of Thomas King 10 shillings—to my sister Marie Mountegue 10 shillings—all residue equally to my sons Richard, Sylvester, & John Baldwin & my daughter Mary Salter—(she mentions incidentally that she and her son Richard occupy the manor of Dunridge)—my said sons Richard & John to be my executors—overseers, my friends Richard Crippes, of St. Leonard's, Clerk, & Richard Salter, senior, of Hemel-Hempstead stead—if my said sons Richard & John decline to act, then my said son Sylvester & my son in law Richard Salter, to be executors."
- [S325] Charles Candee Baldwin, Baldwin Genealogy Supplement, p. 988-9; he was not in his brother Richard's will.