Elizabeth _____1
#4431, (between 1795 and 1800 - )
| | Her married name was Rusk.1 |
Birth* | between 1795 and 1800 | She was born between 1795 and 1800 at MarylandG age 16–25 in 1820, 30–39 in 1830; Baltis, Samuel and Edward have both parents b. MD (1880 census.)2,3 |
Marriage* | circa 1808 | She married David Lewis Rusk, son of David Rusk and Mary Bailey, circa 1808 at Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MarylandG.1 |
| 1810 | She and David Lewis Rusk appeared on the census of 1810 at Patapsco Upper Hundred, Baltimore Co., MarylandG; (two persons not identified.)4  |
| 1820 | She and David Lewis Rusk appeared on the census of 1820 at Ward 12, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MarylandG; (father of David Lewis or Elizabeth may be in hh.)5  |
| circa 1823 | She and David Lewis Rusk removed to Hamilton Co., OhioG, circa 1823.6 |
| 1830 | She and David Lewis Rusk appeared on the census of 1830 at Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OhioG; (neis. Lacount, Thomas, Stagg, Record.)7  |
| 1840 | She and David Lewis Rusk appeared on the census of 1840 at Madison Twp., Montgomery Co., IndianaG; (neis. Wm Rusk (20-30) and Danl Henderson (60-69), both sh. 263; Samuel Rusk, sh. 264.)8 |
- [S516] Rusk Roundup Revisited, John LaMont, compiler, online http://ruskrounduprevisited.wordpress.com/about/, David Rusk and Mary [Bailey]. Cites a family historian that "David was one of 4 brothers who sailed from Belfast, Ireland to America around the middle of the 1700s." Names brothers as John, Thomas and Jeremiah. See https://ruskrounduprevisited.wordpress.com/about/…
- [S516] Rusk Roundup, online http://ruskrounduprevisited.wordpress.com/about/, David Rusk and Mary [Bailey]. A family historian, now deceased, believed that David was one of 4 brothers who sailed from Belfast, Ireland to America around the middle of the 1700s. She gave other brothers’ names as John, Thomas and Jeremiah. David settled in Maryland and saw Revolutionary War service.
- [S115] 1820 U.S. Federal Census. M (45+) [____]; M (26-44) [David Lewis]; F (16-25) [wife Elizabeth]; m (10-15) [David L]; 5 m (<10) [Baltis, William, Samuel, Elam, ____, ____]; f (10-15) [____], 2 f (<10) [Frances Elizabeth (would be 7), ____].]
- [S238] 1810 U.S. Federal Census. David L (26-44); 2 F (16-25) [Elizabeth, ____]; M (16-25) [____], m (<10) [David L Jr].
- [S115] 1820 U.S. Federal Census. M (45+) [____]; M (26-44) [David Lewis]; F (16-25) [wife Elizabeth]; m (10-15) [David L]; 5 m (<10) [Baltis, William, Samuel, Elam, ____, ____]; f (10-15) [____], 2 f (<10) [Frances Elizabeth (would be 7), ____].
- [S996] Western Biographical Publishing Co., A History and Biographical Cyclopaedia of Butler County Ohio (transcription) (Cincinnati, Ohio: Western Biographical Publishing Company, 1882), Butler County OHGenWeb Project, transcriber, p. 394. Baltis B. Rusk, b. MD 1811, son of David Louis Rusk and Elizabeth Rusk, removed to Hamilton Co. OH in 1823, and to Butler Co.1837.
- [S116] 1830 U.S. Federal Census. David L[ewis] (40-49); F (30-39) [Elizabeth]; m (15-19) [David L Jr], 2 m (10-14) [Baltis, William], 2 m (5-9) [Samuel, Elam], m (<5) [poss. Edward]; f (15-19) [Frances Elizabeth would be 17], 2 f (10-14) [dau2, dau3], 2 f (5-9) [dau4, dau5], f (<5) [dau6].
- [S54] 1840 U.S. Federal Census. David (60-69); F (50-59) [Elizabeth]; M (20-29) [poss. Elam]; m (<10) [Edward]; f (15-19) [poss. dau5], 2 f (10-14) [poss. dau5 and dau6, f (5-9) [ ].
- [S520] VWH, Frances Elizabeth is the spouse of John Lawrence Tremper in the 1850 census, age 37, born in Maryland. Her first son with John L is named David Rusk Tremper. The David Rusk family of Maryland (Baltimore) came to Hamilton/Clermont county area around 1823. In the 1830 census for the David Rusk household there were three unnamed daughters, including one age less than 10. In the 1840 census for the same family there are six unnamed female children, including one age 15 to 19.
- [S116] 1830 U.S. Federal Census. 1830 census 6 female children.