- Arsenault
Anselme b. circa 1820Cecile b. say 1805Hyppolithe b. circa 1820Louis b. circa 1800Monique b. circa 1820Pacifique b. circa 1800Pélagia b. say 1809
- Arseneau
Irene b. 1907Wilfred b. circa 1870William b. circa 1904
- Artali
Maria b. 1855, d. 1915
- Arterburn
James W b. 1836Susan b. between 1838 and 1839
- Arthur
Benjamin F b. circa 1822, d. 1842Benjamin F Jr. b. circa 1842Elizabeth E b. circa 1824
- Ashburn
Mary b. circa 1797, d. after 1860Richard b. circa 1795
- Ashe
Catherine b. circa 1848, d. 1891Ellen b. say 1817Francis b. circa 1815, d. 1843Francis b. circa 1823Johanna b. circa 1775Johanna b. circa 1847, d. 1849Katherine b. circa 1869, d. before 1940Katherine Frances b. 1898, d. 1992Kathryn b. 1895, d. 1982Margaret b. circa 1851Margaret M b. 1897, d. 1956Martin b. circa 1777, d. 1847Martin Jr. b. say 1817Mary b. circa 1824Mary b. circa 1845Patrick J b. circa 1860
Virginia Carolyn b. 1913, d. 2008
William O'Brien b. 1894, d. 1952William O'Brien Jr. b. 1915, d. 2000 - Ashley
Thankful b. 1689/90
- Ashlin
- Ashton
Charlotte b. circa 1837Henry E b. circa 1840Mary b. circa 1815Ruth A b. circa 1839Thomas b. circa 1811, d. 1879
- Ashworth
Andrew J Jr. b. circa 1852Andrew Jackson b. circa 1815, d. 1885Clevius b. circa 1855Mary b. circa 1849Massie J b. circa 1815Moses b. circa 1843Oscar B b. circa 1857Sarah Caroline b. circa 1847, d. 1885William b. circa 1840
- Aslebee
Rebecca b. 1652
- Aslett
Rebecca b. 1652
- Aston
Dianna b. 1780
- Astwood
- Atherton
Mary b. 1673
- Atkinson
Ada b. circa 1892Ann Nancy b. circa 1777, d. 1852Catherine b. circa 1916, d. 1979Cora b. 1882Edith M b. 1895Elisabeth b. circa 1811Harry Rolland b. 1881, d. 1919Ida b. circa 1892Jane b. circa 1635John Willliam b. 1852, d. 1938Katherine b. 1886Margaret F b. circa 1905, d. 1995Margaret Johanna b. 1856, d. 1896Mary E b. circa 1862Mary F b. circa 1887Mary Frances b. circa 1886, d. 1971Maud b. 1884Minnie T b. 1890Orrisa Angeline b. circa 1826Robert b. circa 1809Robert b. circa 1826Robert b. 1883, d. 1964
- Atkisson
- Atwell
Nellie b. circa 1881
- Aubuchon
Basil b. circa 1800
Catherine b. 1823, d. before 1897
Charles b. circa 1845Charles C b. 1884Dora b. circa 1858, d. 1947Edgar b. circa 1902Edna b. circa 1905Elizabeth Morrell b. circa 1825, d. 1852Eugenia Tropez b. circa 1784Eveline b. circa 1843Francis J b. 1877, d. 1918Francis Jr. b. circa 1841Francis M b. circa 1847Francis T b. circa 1866Francis Timothy b. 1813François b. circa 1780Iola b. 1851, d. 1903Ivan F b. 1890John b. circa 1780John b. say 1820John C b. 1843Joseph M b. 1848, d. 1916Julia b. circa 1822, d. 1859Julia b. circa 1829, d. 1905Leo Theodore b. 1831, d. 1919Louis b. circa 1854Mary b. circa 1823Mary b. say 1825Mary b. say 1840Mary b. 1868, d. 1938Mary Ann b. 1837, d. 1925Mary G b. 1894Maud b. circa 1869Napolean b. say 1800Napolean b. 1856, d. 1937Pelagie Elizabeth b. circa 1825, d. 1852Samuel b. circa 1857Sarah Frances b. 1859, d. 1922Stella b. 1899Theodore b. 1880 - Aubuchon (cont.)
Theodore L b. 1831, d. 1919Theodore Morrell b. 1831, d. 1919Thomas b. circa 1859Thomas C b. 1886Timothy b. 1813Veronica b. 1892William b. circa 1862William b. 1882
- Aude
Barbara b. 1822, d. 1903Francis Leander b. circa 1821, d. 1889Joseph Francis b. 1854, d. 1942Mary Susan b. 1867, d. 1947
- Auger
Thomas b. circa 1636, d. circa 1684
- Augerbright
Elizabeth b. circa 1851
- Austill
- Austin
Albert Lee b. 1847Alice E b. 1875Anna Maria b. 1799, d. before 1840Clair b. circa 1908Edgar b. circa 1878Ellen b. circa 1847, d. 1942H Philips Jr b. say 1926, d. 1982Isabella b. circa 1673, d. 1722Janet L b. 1926, d. 2012Katie b. circa 1868Laura b. circa 1853Macy J b. circa 1872Paul b. 1877Percy b. circa 1899Thomas b. circa 1871___1 b. circa 1822___2 b. circa 1824___3 b. circa 1826___4 b. circa 1828___5 b. circa 1830___6 b. circa 1832___7 b. circa 1834____ b. circa 1798, d. before 1840____ b. say 1850____ b. circa 1878
- Aux
Barbara b. circa 1834
- Axel
Rana b. circa 1767
- Axton
Addison b. circa 1834Arietta L. b. circa 1862Bayliss Napolean b. circa 1847Charlotte G b. circa 1837Elizabeth A b. circa 1839Enoch b. circa 1810Isam b. circa 1848John T b. circa 1848Leroy b. circa 1859Levi b. circa 1852Margaret b. circa 1813Marguerite A b. 1898, d. 1981Mary E b. circa 1857Mary Jane b. circa 1831Penelope b. circa 1846Philip b. circa 1845Rachael b. 1821, d. 1869Robert b. circa 1822Robert b. circa 1857Sarah J b. circa 1843Thomas J b. circa 1845William b. 1850William Levi b. circa 1820, d. 1872
- Aystell
- Babb
Amanda b. 1849, d. 1866Jesse b. say 1810Joshua b. say 1695, d. before 1759Lydia b. between 1669 and 1675
- Babbitt
Abiathar b. 1716, d. 1806Abigail b. 1700Beniiah b. 1705Benjamin b. say 1704Damaris b. 1663Damaris b. say 1692Deliverance b. 1673Dorcas b. 1666/67, d. 1674Dorcas b. say 1700Edward III b. 1709Edward Jr. b. 1655Elizabeth b. say 1677Elizabeth b. 1698Elkana b. 1665Elkanah Jr b. 1690Erasmus b. 1732Ester b. 1669George b. 1715Hannah b. 1660/61Hannah b. 1707Hopestill b. 1695, d. after 1756Joseph b. say 1706Josiah b. say 1702Lydia b. 1733Mary b. 1730, d. 1777Mary b. 1736, d. 1776Nathan b. 1695Nathaniel b. 1712Nathaniel b. 1729Ruth b. 1671Ruth b. 1703Sarah b. 1657/58Sarah b. 1692, d. 1725Sarah b. say 1700, d. 1766Sarah b. say 1708Sarah b. say 1725Seth b. 1692
- Babbitt (cont.)
Simeon b. 1721, d. after 1772Tabatha b. 1728Thomas b. 1735Waitstill b. 1701
- Babcock
Adelbert Henry b. 1840Emerancy b. circa 1833Ethan Andrew b. 1828Harriet b. 1803, d. 1874Harriet Electa b. 1831Henry b. 1801, d. 1872Orrisa Angeline b. circa 1826Vermeda Elmira b. circa 1823
- Babin
Ruffine b. 1871
- Babinault
- Babineau
Anastasia b. circa 1810Marie Elvina b. circa 1883Perpetué b. 1810
- Babinot
Martin b. circa 1815
- Bacheler
Agnes (Widow) d. circa 1593/94Sylvester d. 1554
- Bachteal
Alta L b. 1883Anna S b. 1855, d. 1947Ida M b. 1887John William b. 1889Lennia b. 1893Martha Jane b. 1849, d. 1930Martin b. 1855, d. 1929Mary Elizabeth b. 1853, d. 1911Murray W b. 1891Sarah b. 1826, d. 1880William Martin b. 1855, d. 1929
- Bacon
Mary b. say 1673, d. 1710/11
- Bader
Emma b. 1874, d. 1901
- Badlam
Mary b. 1690Samuel Jr. b. say 1718William b. say 1720
- Bagg
Hannah b. 1641John b. say 1634
- Bagley
Inez Viola b. circa 1920, d. 1988
- Baildon
Alice b. circa 1568Alice1 b. circa 1564, d. circa 1567Clare b. between 1589 and 1593Cuthbert b. circa 1592Dorothy b. circa 1586Elizabeth b. say 1577Elizabeth b. circa 1587Ellen b. circa 1585Frances b. say 1561, d. 1587Francis d. 1622Francis III b. say 1598Francis Jr. b. say 1574, d. 1612George b. circa 1525Gilbert b. circa 1611, d. 1640Jenet b. circa 1573, d. circa 1576/77Katherine b. before 1558, d. circa 1582Lawrence b. 1571, d. before 1641/42Luke b. 1611Margaret d. 1598Margaret b. say 1538, d. circa 1604Margaret b. circa 1608Martin b. circa 1594Muriel b. circa 1598Nicholas b. say 1523Richard b. say 1532, d. 1576/77Richard Jr. b. circa 1562Robert b. between 1496 and 1497Thomas b. circa 1596, d. 1619William b. circa 1556, d. circa 1589William b. circa 1589, d. 1597William b. 1609____ b. say 1536, d. circa 1558/59____ b. say 1578, d. circa 1622
- Bailey
Elam b. 1741/42Elijah b. 1736Elizabeth b. say 1755Ellinor b. 1718Enoch b. between 1714 and 1735, d. 1766Ephraim b. between 1714 and 1735Francis b. circa 1894Frederick A b. circa 1897George b. say 1684, d. circa 1754George b. 1753Helen b. 1718Helen b. circa 1750Jabez b. between 1714 and 1735, d. before 1769James b. circa 1854, d. 1924John b. circa 1713, d. circa 1789John Newsom b. say 1751, d. 1801Kerrenhappuck b. 1728MacLane b. between 1714 and 1735, d. before 1763Margaret Mary b. 1912, d. 1999Mary b. 1740Mary b. 1812Mary E b. circa 1892Mary S b. 1857, d. 1929Samuel b. between 1714 and 1735, d. 1772Sarah b. circa 1692Sarah b. circa 1737Sarah b. 1741/42, d. before 1772Thomas W b. circa 1890
- Baker
Agnes b. say 1410, d. 1496Almira b. 1842, d. 1927Ausy b. 1885Avarilla b. 1814Edmund James b. circa 1805Ella M b. 1854, d. 1916Gilbert C b. 1884Hermus b. 1903, d. 1977J Ray b. 1886, d. 1951Jennie b. 1883, d. 1936Jessie Pearl b. 1883Kenneth Price b. 1937, d. 1991Lydia B b. circa 1849, d. 1937Margery b. say 1592, d. between 1655 and 1657Mildred b. 1902, d. 1980Nicholas b. say 1592Otis M b. 1852, d. 1945Pearl b. 1883Polly b. say 1805Ray J b. 1886, d. 1951William b. say 1380