Catharina  b. circa 1742
Jan  b. say 1645, d. between 1719 and 1724
Caroline  b. circa 1870
Edith B  b. circa 1876
Esther F  b. circa 1877
Herbert B  b. circa 1843
Martha R  b. circa 1879
Mary S  b. circa 1846
Mary S  b. circa 1871
Stuart S  b. circa 1874
Annetje  b. circa 1595
Margaret  b. circa 1545
Michael  b. circa 1788, d. 1844
Mary  b. 1831
Earl  b. circa 1906
Gilbert  b. circa 1898
Laura Myrtle  b. circa 1902
Lloyd  b. circa 1909
Manuel  b. circa 1899
Martha  b. between 1872 and 1873, d. 1932
Myrtle  b. circa 1902
Orilla J  b. circa 1900
Rudy  b. circa 1913
William R  b. 1853
Mary  b. circa 1799
Polly  b. circa 1799
Ruth  b. circa 1764
Samuel  b. circa 1827
Sarah Jane  b. 1831, d. 1884
Ann  b. circa 1833, d. circa 1868
Arthur  b. 1764
Amanda Jane  b. circa 1827, d. before 1863
Benjamin Bradford  b. 1822, d. 1905
Bradford  b. circa 1852
Carrol  b. circa 1840
Clarissa  b. circa 1820
Claude  b. 1896
David  b. circa 1860
David  b. circa 1871
David Holt  b. 1806, d. 1876
Elizabeth  b. say 1820
Elizabeth  b. circa 1832, d. 1911
Francis M  b. circa 1842
George  b. 1868
Gilbert B  b. circa 1853
Hamilton  b. circa 1849
Jacob  b. circa 1825
Jacob  b. circa 1857
James H  b. circa 1854
Job  b. circa 1834
John  b. circa 1836
John  b. 1859
John  b. circa 1864
John  b. 1899
Joseph  b. circa 1867
Laura  b. circa 1859
Lloyd A  b. 1898
Lucy  b. circa 1847
Lucy  b. circa 1850
Martha  b. circa 1803, d. 1877
Martha  b. circa 1834
Martha  b. circa 1845
Martha  b. circa 1848
Martha J  b. circa 1848
Mary  b. circa 1823
Mary  b. circa 1838
Mary  b. circa 1862
Minnie M  b. 1877
Miranda  b. circa 1855
Montreville  b. circa 1850
Nancy Ann  b. circa 1830, d. 1899
Utley (cont.)
Nancy C  b. 1830, d. 1898
Orila  b. circa 1838
Perry  b. circa 1864
Rachel  b. circa 1816, d. 1853
Rachel  b. circa 1841
Rebecca  b. circa 1839
Rebecca  b. circa 1853
Rebecca Ann  b. 1821, d. 1909
Sarah  b. circa 1883
Sarah A  b. circa 1844
Victoria  b. circa 1855
William  b. circa 1801, d. 1878
William  b. circa 1844
William  b. circa 1846
Winslow B  b. circa 1850
Uyten Bogaert
Aeltje1  b. circa 1664, d. before 1666
Claes Gybertsen  b. circa 1661
Dirck Gybertsen  b. circa 1675
Griete  b. circa 1672
Griete Gybertse  b. circa 1672
Gysbert  b. say 1636
Jacobus Gybertse1  b. circa 1674
Jacobus Gybertsen  b. circa 1678
Maria Gybertse  b. circa 1668
Marritje Gybertse  b. circa 1670
Neeltje Gysbertse  b. circa 1667
Nicolaes Gÿsbertsen  b. circa 1662
Willemptje  b. say 1640, d. after 1699
Elisabeth  b. circa 1629
Aeltje Gysbertse  b. circa 1666, d. 1731
Joseph  b. 1707
Marie Barbé  b. 1744
Marie Thérèse  b. 1710
Gerritie  d. circa 1700
Marritie  b. circa 1682
Aspasie Pelagie  b. circa 1792, d. 1851
Pelagie  b. say 1772
Pierre  b. say 1795
Charles  b. 1679, d. 1753
Charles  b. circa 1754, d. 1852
Charles Jr.  b. circa 1709
François  b. 1716, d. 1783
François  b. 1758, d. 1804
Genevieve  b. circa 1686, d. 1756
Jean  b. circa 1711
Jean Baptiste  b. 1760, d. 1849
Joseph  b. circa 1718
Joseph  b. 1756, d. circa 1778
Louis  b. circa 1722
Marianne  b. 1729, d. 1781
Marie Genevieve  b. circa 1713
Marie Louise  b. circa 1721
Marie Louise  b. circa 1750, d. before 1803
Marie Louise1  b. circa 1719, d. 1720
Pierre  b. circa 1710, d. 1710
Pierre  b. circa 1725
Pierre François  b. circa 1724, d. 1724
René  b. circa 1719, d. 1720
Van Aamem
Jannetje  b. 1695, d. 1737
Van Aarnem
Abraham  b. 1721
Anna  b. 1735
Isaac  b. 1724
Van Achtienhoven
Aert  b. circa 1620, d. before 1667
Van Aelsteyn
Jannetje  b. 1659/60
Lambert Janse  b. say 1658
Van Alcmaer
Adriaen Petersen  b. say 1620
Van Alen
Maria  b. 1648
Pieter  b. circa 1645
Van Alstyne
Abraham Jr  b. 1703
Catryntie  b. 1713
Dirkje  b. 1698
Dirkje Dorothy  b. 1710
Jacobus  b. 1717
Johannes  b. 1694
Leena  b. 1705
Marritje  b. circa 1674
Marten  b. 1719
Matheus  b. 1696
Sander  b. 1700/1
Van Arsdalen, van Arsdalen
Alida  b. 1710, d. 1781
van Beeck
Johannes  b. circa 1630, d. before 1655
Joost  b. say 1628
Judith  b. circa 1655
Maria  b. circa 1634
____  b. say 1600
Van Benthuysen
Van Bommel
Abraham  b. circa 1666
Grietje1  b. circa 1668
Hendrick  b. circa 1640
Hieronymus  b. circa 1657
Leurifaes  b. circa 1662
Philip  b. circa 1675
Philip1  b. circa 1672
Rachel  b. say 1640
Susanna  b. circa 1660
Van Borsum
Catharine  b. 1718
Cornelis  b. say 1622
Elizabeth  b. 1689, d. 1751
Sara  b. circa 1627
Tryntje  b. 1718, d. 1794
Van Breestede
Van Brug
Jan  b. before 1622
Van Brugge
Anna  b. circa 1662
Helena  b. circa 1659
Johannes Pieterszen  b. say 1626
Van Brugh
Johannes Pieterszen  b. say 1626
Van Brúgge
Maria  b. circa 1673
Van Bunschoten
Annatje  b. say 1674
Gerrit  b. say 1674
Sara  b. circa 1686
Van Bunschouten
Elizabeth  b. circa 1765
Van Buren
Ariantje  b. say 1672
Arriantje  b. say 1718
Catalyntje Martense  b. circa 1677
Cornelia Martense  b. circa 1668
Cornelis  b. say 1716
Cornelis Martensen  b. circa 1664, d. before 1693
Helena  b. circa 1692
Hendrick  b. 1637
Judikje  b. say 1679
Maritie Martense  b. circa 1673
Maritje  b. circa 1642
Marten  b. circa 1640
Marten Martensen Jr.  b. circa 1675
Pieter Martensen  b. circa 1670
Sara  b. say 1719
Stijntie  b. say 1646
Tanneke  b. say 1645
Tobias  b. say 1648
Tobias  b. say 1690
Tobias Cornelisen  b. circa 1690
Van Cleave
Flora E  b. 1863
Van Cortlandt
Annetje  b. say 1621
Olof Stevense  b. say 1617
Sophia  b. 1651, d. between 1728 and 1729
Van Cortlant
Cornelia  b. say 1650
Van Court
Benjamin Potter  b. circa 1821, d. 1868
Benjamin Potter Jr.  b. 1855, d. 1930
Carrie  b. 1859, d. 1931
Ellen A  b. circa 1848
Hannah  b. 1824
Jessie  b. circa 1862
Kathleen S  b. circa 1850
Marion  b. 1846, d. 1916
Van Courtlant
Catharina  b. say 1650
Van Couwenhoven
Aeltgen  b. say 1584, d. circa 1606
Aeltje Jacobs  b. circa 1645
Gerrit Wolfertse  b. 1610, d. before 1645
Hester  b. say 1619, d. before 1665
Hester  b. circa 1667
Jan Gerritse  b. 1639
Jan Jacobsen  b. circa 1641
Lÿsbeth  b. circa 1643
Marritje Gerritse  b. circa 1644
Neeltje  b. circa 1584
Neeltje  b. say 1638
Neeltje Gerritse  b. circa 1641
Neeltje Jacobs  b. circa 1639
Petronella Jacobs  b. circa 1648
Pieter  b. 1669
Pieter Wolfertsen  b. say 1614
Willem Gerritse  b. 1636
Wolfert Gerritsz  b. 1580, d. 1662
Van Dalsen
Annecken Janse  b. say 1669
van de Water
Ariaentje  b. circa 1620, d. circa 1648
Hendrick Jansz  b. circa 1637, d. 1684
Jan Hendricjsz  b. circa 1603, d. 1638
van Degrht
Van den Berg
Cornelia Catharina  b. circa 1706
Cornelis  b. circa 1721
Cornelis Gysbertsen  b. circa 1702
Diewertje  b. circa 1679
Diewertjen  b. circa 1718
Gysbert  b. circa 1677
Marretjen  b. circa 1715
Marretjen1  b. circa 1711
Van den Bergh
van den Briel
Joris Velten  d. circa 1642
Van den Burg
Annetje Gerritse  b. say 1620, d. before 1678
Van den Uythof
van der Grist
Van der Heul
Abraham  b. say 1635
Van Der Linde, Van der Linde
Anna  b. between 1560 and 1580
Anneke  b. circa 1509, d. 1538
Arent  b. circa 1500, d. 1538
Arent  b. circa 1632
Arent Esaiasen  b. between 1560 and 1580
Arent Jansz  b. circa 1500, d. 1538
Cornelis Esaisen  b. between 1560 and 1580
Elisabeth  b. circa 1629
Esaias  b. say 1600, d. before 1641
Esaias Arentsz  b. before 1535, d. after 1601
Ewout Esaiase  b. circa 1627
Ewout Esaiasz  b. say 1565
Josaias  b. say 1600, d. before 1641
Lijsbeth  b. after 1590
Maijke  b. circa 1599
Maijke Esaiase  b. circa 1624
Maritge  b. say 1570
Michiel Esaiasen  b. after 1585
Pieter Esaiasen  b. between 1560 and 1580
Pieter Ewoutsz  b. after 1590
Willemtje Harperts  b. circa 1615
____  b. say 1540, d. before 1586
Van der Poel
Catherine Adamse  b. say 1657, d. before 1697
Gerrit  b. say 1653
Gerrit Wynants  b. say 1653
Margrita  b. say 1659
Wynant Gerritse  b. circa 1691
Wynant Gerritse1  b. circa 1690
van der Sluys
Annetje  b. say 1640
Laurens  b. say 1638
Van der Spiegel
Laurence  b. circa 1630
Lysbeth  b. circa 1662
Van Der Volgen
Ariaantje  b. circa 1693
Maritie  b. say 1665
van der Voort
Marretje  b. 1627
Van Deursen
Aaltje  b. 1709
Aaltje  b. 1709
Aaltje  b. circa 1731
Abraham  b. 1689
Abraham  b. 1689
Abraham  b. 1697
Abraham  b. 1697
Abraham  b. 1720
Abraham  b. 1736
Abraham  b. circa 1745
Abraham III  b. 1737
Abraham Isaacsz  b. circa 1659, d. 1727
Abraham Isaacsz  b. circa 1659, d. 1727
Abraham Teuwisse  b. circa 1676
Abraham Teuwisse  b. circa 1676
Abraham1  b. 1715
Abraham1  b. 1720
Abraham1  b. 1724
Abraham1  b. 1727, d. 1728
Abraham2  b. circa 1731, d. 1733
Abraham2  b. 1734
Aeltje  b. 1726
Aeltje Gysbertse  b. circa 1666, d. 1731
Anna  b. 1701
Anna  b. 1718
Anna  b. 1779
Annatje  b. say 1664, d. 1728
Annatje  b. 1727
Annatje  b. 1727
Annatje  b. 1730
Annetje  b. circa 1681
Annetje  b. 1714
Antje  b. circa 1706
Van Deursen (cont.)
Bata  b. 1713
Bata  b. 1713
Caspar  b. circa 1678
Caspar Jr  b. 1701
Catalynje Claese  b. circa 1645
Catalyntje  b. circa 1678
Catalyntje  b. circa 1678
Catarina  b. say 1669
Catelyntje  b. 1691
Catharina  b. circa 1672
Catharina  b. circa 1672
Catharina  b. 1726
Catharina  b. circa 1739
Catherina  b. 1772
Catryna  b. circa 1702
Christiaan  b. 1699/0
Cornelia  b. circa 1660
Cornelia  b. circa 1660
Cornelia  b. 1709
Cornelia  b. 1709
Cornelia Martense  b. circa 1668
Cornelis  b. 1716
Daniel  b. 1716
Daniel Jr  b. 1763
Dirck  b. 1734
Elizabeth  b. say 1670
Elizabeth  b. say 1747
Elysabeth  b. 1724
Elysabeth  b. 1724
Engeltje  b. 1687
Engeltje Rutgers  b. 1650, d. 1728
Geertruyd  b. 1666
Geertruyd1  b. 1665
Gerrit Herberts  b. circa 1699
Geurt  b. 1702
Geurt  b. 1702
Van Deursen (cont.)
Gysbert  b. 1704
Harpert  b. circa 1684
Harpert  b. circa 1684
Harpert Jacobs  b. 1665
Harpert Jacobs  b. 1665
Helena  b. circa 1681
Helena  b. 1698, d. 1738
Henricus  b. 1684