Massachusetts (cont.)
Norton, Abigail b. circa 1651
Norton, Freegrace b. circa 1635
Norton, George b. circa 1610, d. 1659
Norton, George Jr b. circa 1641
Norton, Hannah b. circa 1649
Norton, John b. circa 1637
Norton, Mary b. 1643
Norton, Mehitable b. circa 1645
Norton, Nathaniel b. circa 1639
Norton, Sarah b. circa 1646
O'Brien, Leona L b. 1897, d. 1990
O'Connell, Anna b. circa 1845
O'Connell, James b. circa 1851
O'Connell, Patrick b. circa 1854
O'Connell, Pierce Jr. b. circa 1848
O'Hara, Theresa b. circa 1880
Packard, Abigail b. circa 1651
Packard, John b. 1655, d. circa 1741
Packard, Mary b. circa 1636, d. 1684
Packard, Samuel b. circa 1612, d. between 1684 and 1685
Payne, Lydia b. 1852, d. 1909
Peabody, Bethiah b. 1681
Peabody, Francis (Lieut.) b. circa 1613, d. 1697/98
Peabody, Hepzibah b. say 1656
Peabody, Isaac b. say 1652
Peabody, John b. circa 1642
Peabody, Jonathan b. 1673
Peabody, Joseph b. 1644, d. 1721
Peabody, Lydia b. 1683
Peabody, Mary b. say 1650
Peabody, Sarah b. say 1654
Peters, Andrew b. circa 1635, d. 1713
Peters, Mary b. circa 1668, d. 1753
Phelps, John b. say 1685
Phillips, Alice b. circa 1632
Phillips, Bathsheba b. 1740, d. 1740
Phillips, Benjamin b. circa 1654, d. 1687/88
Phillips, Caleb b. 1659, d. before 1695
Phillips, Caleb Jr. b. 1682
Phillips, Damaris b. 1741
Phillips, Eliakim b. 1731, d. 1736
Phillips, Elijah b. 1738, d. 1738
Phillips, Elisha b. 1786, d. 1845
Phillips, Elizabeth b. 1727
Phillips, Jane b. 1735, d. 1736
Phillips, John b. 1734
Phillips, John (Capt.) b. 1667/68, d. 1760
Phillips, John Jr b. 1692, d. 1758
Phillips, Julia b. 1874
Phillips, Samuel b. circa 1773
Phillips, Samuel Jr. b. 1726, d. 1773
Phillips, Samuel Ranney b. 1811, d. 1880
Phillips, Seth b. 1736, d. 1736
Pitts, Alice b. before 1672
Pitts, Ebenezer b. circa 1671, d. 1733/34
Pitts, Elizabeth b. say 1622, d. before 1696
Pitts, Peter b. 1625, d. before 1692/93
Pitts, Peter Jr. b. before 1672, d. 1756
Pixley, Sarah b. 1665, d. 1683
Plumer, Hannah b. circa 1784
Pomeroy, Laura C b. circa 1840
Pomeroy, Mary A b. circa 1835
Pomeroy, Mary Ann b. circa 1814
Pope, Patience b. say 1637
Post, Joanna b. 1666
Post, Mary b. 1664
Post, Richard d. before 1677/78
Preeper, Gertrude b. 1870
Preston, David b. 1688
Preston, Elizabeth b. 1680
Preston, Hannah b. 1698
Preston, John b. 1673
Preston, John b. 1692
Preston, John1 b. 1690/91
Preston, Jonathan b. say 1684
Preston, Martha b. 1676
Preston, Martha b. 1702
Preston, Mary b. 1671/72
Preston, Rebecca b. 1670
Preston, Rebecca b. 1688/89
Preston, Roger b. 1614, d. before 1666
Preston, Samuel b. 1651, d. 1738
Preston, Samuel (Capt.) III b. 1708, d. 1781
Preston, Sarah b. 1694
Preston, Thomas b. 1690/91
Preston, Thomas Jr. b. say 1678
Price, Robert b. circa 1645, d. 1715
Price, William
Proctor, Sarah
Rice, Thomas b. circa 1898
Ripley, Albert F b. circa 1861
Ripley, Charles S b. circa 1871
Ripley, Eugene b. circa 1853
Ripley, Fanny B b. circa 1865
Ripley, Stella b. circa 1869
Ripley, William L b. circa 1867
Rogers, Ezekiel b. circa 1590, d. 1660/61
Rogers, Sarah Bowers b. 1762, d. 1794
Rooney, Ann b. circa 1835, d. 1909
Root, Joseph b. circa 1640
Ryan, Lizzie b. circa 1854
Scudder, John Jr. b. 1618, d. before 1690
Scudder, John Jr. b. circa 1658, d. 1741/42
Searle, John b. circa 1609, d. circa 1641
Shaw, Abraham b. say 1593, d. after 1638
Shaw, John b. before 1630, d. 1704
Sheaffe, Mary b. circa 1620, d. 1693
Sikes, Rebecca b. say 1641, d. 1711/12
Smead, Elizabeth b. 1662, d. 1682
Smead, Elizabeth b. 1698, d. 1773
Smead, Ruth b. 1702
Smead, William Jr b. circa 1635
Smith, Adeline b. 1815, d. 1900
Smith, Alice
Smith, John b. 1703, d. 1705
Smith, Miriam1 b. 1746, d. 1746
Smith, Samuel b. 1715
Smith, ____ b. say 1752, d. say 1752
Stack, Mary b. 1874
Stebbins, Abigail b. 1683
Stebbins, Abigail b. 1695
Stebbins, Benjamin b. 1692
Stebbins, Ebenezer b. 1677
Stebbins, Editha b. say 1621, d. 1688
Stebbins, Esther b. 1695, d. 1711
Stebbins, Esther1 b. 1688, d. 1690/91
Stebbins, Hannah b. 1660, d. circa 1677
Stebbins, Joseph b. 1688
Stebbins, Rowland b. 1660, d. 1661
Stebbins, Thomas (Lieut.) b. 1620, d. 1683
Stiles, Amos (Lt.) b. 1705
Stiles, Hepzibah b. circa 1709
Stiles, Jemima b. 1700
Stiles, Job b. circa 1715
Stiles, John b. say 1633, d. 1683
Stiles, Nathan b. 1703
Stoughton, Anna b. circa 1615
Stoughton, Elizabeth b. between 1584 and 1600, d. before 1647
Stoughton, Katherine b. circa 1622
Stoughton, Thomas III b. circa 1625, d. 1684
Stoughton, Thomas Jr b. circa 1592/93, d. 1661
Stoughton, William b. circa 1632, d. 1701
Stream, Elizabeth
Streeter, Arthur H b. 1870, d. 1952
Streeter, Edward b. 1894
Streeter, Elizabeth b. 1899
Streeter, Florence A b. 1893
Streeter, Kathryn b. 1895, d. 1982
Streeter, Phillips b. 1897
Strong, Jedediah b. 1637, d. 1733
Sullivan, John b. circa 1858
Sullivan, Michael b. 1861
Swett, Sarah Ellen b. 1914, d. 1991
Symonds, Catherine b. circa 1636
Taft, Eleanor Baker b. 1882
Taft, Elizabeth L b. circa 1844
Taft, George Shirley b. 1857
Taft, Joseph R b. circa 1828
Taft, Ray Baker b. 1880
Taft, Read b. circa 1848
Tardy, Carol Jean b. circa 1956, d. 2014
Taylor, Calvin b. 1766
Taylor, Eleazer b. 1772
Taylor, Elijah b. 1756
Taylor, Elizabeth1 b. 1671/72, d. 1781
Taylor, Hollis b. 1758
Taylor, John Jr b. circa 1641, d. 1704
Taylor, Mindwell b. 1759
Taylor, Sarah b. 1761
Taylor, Thankful b. 1741
Taylor, Thankful b. 1768
Taylor, Thomas III b. 1764
Taylor, Thomas Jr b. 1717
Taylor, Thomas1 b. 1740
Thomas, Joseph1 b. 1647, d. 1648
Thomas, Josiah b. 1657, d. 1657
Thomas, Josiah1 b. 1655, d. 1657
Thomas, Mary b. 1668, d. 1670
Thomas, Mary1 b. 1650, d. 1650
Thomas, Rowland d. 1698
Thomas, Samuel b. 1649, d. 1649
Thomas, ____ b. 1665, d. 1665
Thomson, Elizabeth d. circa 1627
Tidd, Josephine b. 1872
Tinker, John b. circa 1613, d. 1662
Tinker, Sarah b. circa 1619, d. 1652
Tisdale, John d. 1675
Tobin, Catherine b. circa 1845
Tobin, James b. circa 1847
Towne, Jacob b. circa 1632
Twiss, Lavina b. circa 1822
Tyne, Dennis P b. 1874, d. 1902
Tyne, Mary J b. 1880, d. 1927
Waite, Alexander b. say 1647, d. circa 1681
Wakely, Henry d. after 1689
Walker, Sarah b. circa 1618, d. 1676
Walsh, John b. circa 1902
Ward, Arthur Manley b. 1887
Ward, Gertrude b. 1885, d. 1986
Ward, Helen Douglass b. 1890
Warner, Ebenezer b. 1676
Warner, Phineas b. 1726, d. 1795
Warriner, Ebenezer b. 1682
Warriner, Elizabeth b. 1670
Warriner, Hannah b. 1675
Warriner, James Jr. b. 1668
Warriner, Joseph b. 1677
Warriner, Samuel b. 1680
Warriner, Samuel1 b. 1666, d. 1668
Warriner, William b. 1673
Weed, George b. 1661, d. 1732
Weld, Anna b. 1672, d. 1712
Wells, Ebenezer b. 1723, d. 1787
Wells, Joshua b. 1695
Wells, Joshua b. 1721
Wheeler, Daniel b. circa 1804
Wheeler, J N b. circa 1832
Wheeler, Otis b. 1806
Whelan, Albert J b. circa 1848, d. 1884
Whelan, Frances b. 1846, d. 1920
Whelan, Mary b. 1843
Whelan, William III b. 1841, d. 1905
White, Elizabeth b. 1818, d. 1903
White, Joseph b. circa 1808
Whitman, Abiah Jr. b. 1690, d. 1770
Whitman, Eleanor b. 1688, d. 1781
Whitman, Elizabeth b. circa 1675, d. 1715
Whitman, John b. circa 1681, d. 1758
Whitman, Lydia b. circa 1678, d. 1757
Whitman, Mary b. 1683, d. 1753
Whitman, Zachary b. 1685
Whitney, Lawreence B b. circa 1895
Whitney, Lois b. 1919, d. 1971
Wilbore, John b. say 1679
Willard, Susannah b. circa 1700, d. 1793
Wilshire, Sarah b. circa 1620, d. 1648
Wood, Daniel d. before 1649
Woodward, Acharchie b. circa 1872
Woodward, Bessie L b. 1881
Woodward, Bildad b. 1793, d. 1877
Woodward, Charles M b. circa 1870
Woodward, Freedom b. circa 1642, d. 1681
Woodward, Guy L b. 1884
Woodward, John b. say 1647
Woodward, Lucy E b. 1886
Woodward, Winford b. circa 1874
Woodward, Zopha b. 1800
Worth, Robert L b. circa 1918, d. 1998
Wright, Azariah b. 1698, d. 1772
Wright, Azariah Jr. b. 1737/38, d. 1711
Wright, Azubah b. 1736
Wright, Benoni b. 1702
Wright, Eldad b. 1701
Wright, Eldad b. 1732/33
Wright, Eldad1 b. 1729, d. 1731/32
Wright, Eldad2 b. 1731/32, d. 1732/33
Wright, Eliezer b. 1668, d. 1753
Wright, Hepzibah b. 1691, d. 1693
Wright, Judah b. 1642, d. 1725
Wright, Lucy b. 1730/31, d. 1736
Wright, Lucy b. 1740
Wright, Martha b. 1704
Wright, Mary b. 1695, d. 1714
Wright, Mary b. 1727
Wright, Medad b. 1734
Wright, Mirriam b. 1715, d. 1726
Wright, Nehemiah b. 1699
Wright, Phineas b. 1710
Wright, Samuel Jr. b. circa 1629, d. 1675
Wright, Sarah b. 1707
Young, Edward b. circa 1873
Young, Margaret A b. 1878
Young, Mary E b. 1880
Young, Timothy Francis b. 1876
_____, Anne b. say 1658
_____, Bridget b. circa 1604
_____, Damaris d. 1728
_____, Elizabeth
_____, Elizabeth d. 1730
_____, Elizabeth b. circa 1895
_____, Hannah b. circa 1623, d. 1712/13
_____, Harriet M b. circa 1825
_____, Lydia d. circa 1649
_____, Martha d. 1702/3
_____, Mary d. circa 1678/79
_____, Mary b. circa 1610
_____, Sarah d. 1643/44
_____, Susan b. circa 1815
_____, Susannah b. say 1610
_____, Tabitha b. 1786, d. 1872
_____, ____ b. say 1607, d. after 1630
Norton, Freegrace b. circa 1635
Norton, George b. circa 1610, d. 1659
Norton, George Jr b. circa 1641
Norton, Hannah b. circa 1649
Norton, John b. circa 1637
Norton, Mary b. 1643
Norton, Mehitable b. circa 1645
Norton, Nathaniel b. circa 1639
Norton, Sarah b. circa 1646
O'Brien, Leona L b. 1897, d. 1990
O'Connell, Anna b. circa 1845
O'Connell, James b. circa 1851
O'Connell, Patrick b. circa 1854
O'Connell, Pierce Jr. b. circa 1848
O'Hara, Theresa b. circa 1880
Packard, Abigail b. circa 1651
Packard, John b. 1655, d. circa 1741
Packard, Mary b. circa 1636, d. 1684
Packard, Samuel b. circa 1612, d. between 1684 and 1685
Payne, Lydia b. 1852, d. 1909
Peabody, Bethiah b. 1681
Peabody, Francis (Lieut.) b. circa 1613, d. 1697/98
Peabody, Hepzibah b. say 1656
Peabody, Isaac b. say 1652
Peabody, John b. circa 1642
Peabody, Jonathan b. 1673
Peabody, Joseph b. 1644, d. 1721
Peabody, Lydia b. 1683
Peabody, Mary b. say 1650
Peabody, Sarah b. say 1654
Peters, Andrew b. circa 1635, d. 1713
Peters, Mary b. circa 1668, d. 1753
Phelps, John b. say 1685
Phillips, Alice b. circa 1632
Phillips, Bathsheba b. 1740, d. 1740
Phillips, Benjamin b. circa 1654, d. 1687/88
Phillips, Caleb b. 1659, d. before 1695
Phillips, Caleb Jr. b. 1682
Phillips, Damaris b. 1741
Phillips, Eliakim b. 1731, d. 1736
Phillips, Elijah b. 1738, d. 1738
Phillips, Elisha b. 1786, d. 1845
Phillips, Elizabeth b. 1727
Phillips, Jane b. 1735, d. 1736
Phillips, John b. 1734
Phillips, John (Capt.) b. 1667/68, d. 1760
Phillips, John Jr b. 1692, d. 1758
Phillips, Julia b. 1874
Phillips, Samuel b. circa 1773
Phillips, Samuel Jr. b. 1726, d. 1773
Phillips, Samuel Ranney b. 1811, d. 1880
Phillips, Seth b. 1736, d. 1736
Pitts, Alice b. before 1672
Pitts, Ebenezer b. circa 1671, d. 1733/34
Pitts, Elizabeth b. say 1622, d. before 1696
Pitts, Peter b. 1625, d. before 1692/93
Pitts, Peter Jr. b. before 1672, d. 1756
Pixley, Sarah b. 1665, d. 1683
Plumer, Hannah b. circa 1784
Pomeroy, Laura C b. circa 1840
Pomeroy, Mary A b. circa 1835
Pomeroy, Mary Ann b. circa 1814
Pope, Patience b. say 1637
Post, Joanna b. 1666
Post, Mary b. 1664
Post, Richard d. before 1677/78
Preeper, Gertrude b. 1870
Preston, David b. 1688
Preston, Elizabeth b. 1680
Preston, Hannah b. 1698
Preston, John b. 1673
Preston, John b. 1692
Preston, John1 b. 1690/91
Preston, Jonathan b. say 1684
Preston, Martha b. 1676
Preston, Martha b. 1702
Preston, Mary b. 1671/72
Preston, Rebecca b. 1670
Preston, Rebecca b. 1688/89
Preston, Roger b. 1614, d. before 1666
Preston, Samuel b. 1651, d. 1738
Preston, Samuel (Capt.) III b. 1708, d. 1781
Preston, Sarah b. 1694
Preston, Thomas b. 1690/91
Preston, Thomas Jr. b. say 1678
Price, Robert b. circa 1645, d. 1715
Price, William
Proctor, Sarah
Rice, Thomas b. circa 1898
Ripley, Albert F b. circa 1861
Ripley, Charles S b. circa 1871
Ripley, Eugene b. circa 1853
Ripley, Fanny B b. circa 1865
Ripley, Stella b. circa 1869
Ripley, William L b. circa 1867
Rogers, Ezekiel b. circa 1590, d. 1660/61
Rogers, Sarah Bowers b. 1762, d. 1794
Rooney, Ann b. circa 1835, d. 1909
Root, Joseph b. circa 1640
Ryan, Lizzie b. circa 1854
Scudder, John Jr. b. 1618, d. before 1690
Scudder, John Jr. b. circa 1658, d. 1741/42
Searle, John b. circa 1609, d. circa 1641
Shaw, Abraham b. say 1593, d. after 1638
Shaw, John b. before 1630, d. 1704
Sheaffe, Mary b. circa 1620, d. 1693
Sikes, Rebecca b. say 1641, d. 1711/12
Smead, Elizabeth b. 1662, d. 1682
Smead, Elizabeth b. 1698, d. 1773
Smead, Ruth b. 1702
Smead, William Jr b. circa 1635
Smith, Adeline b. 1815, d. 1900
Smith, Alice
Smith, John b. 1703, d. 1705
Smith, Miriam1 b. 1746, d. 1746
Smith, Samuel b. 1715
Smith, ____ b. say 1752, d. say 1752
Stack, Mary b. 1874
Stebbins, Abigail b. 1683
Stebbins, Abigail b. 1695
Stebbins, Benjamin b. 1692
Stebbins, Ebenezer b. 1677
Stebbins, Editha b. say 1621, d. 1688
Stebbins, Esther b. 1695, d. 1711
Stebbins, Esther1 b. 1688, d. 1690/91
Stebbins, Hannah b. 1660, d. circa 1677
Stebbins, Joseph b. 1688
Stebbins, Rowland b. 1660, d. 1661
Stebbins, Thomas (Lieut.) b. 1620, d. 1683
Stiles, Amos (Lt.) b. 1705
Stiles, Hepzibah b. circa 1709
Stiles, Jemima b. 1700
Stiles, Job b. circa 1715
Stiles, John b. say 1633, d. 1683
Stiles, Nathan b. 1703
Stoughton, Anna b. circa 1615
Stoughton, Elizabeth b. between 1584 and 1600, d. before 1647
Stoughton, Katherine b. circa 1622
Stoughton, Thomas III b. circa 1625, d. 1684
Stoughton, Thomas Jr b. circa 1592/93, d. 1661
Stoughton, William b. circa 1632, d. 1701
Stream, Elizabeth
Streeter, Arthur H b. 1870, d. 1952
Streeter, Edward b. 1894
Streeter, Elizabeth b. 1899
Streeter, Florence A b. 1893
Streeter, Kathryn b. 1895, d. 1982
Streeter, Phillips b. 1897
Strong, Jedediah b. 1637, d. 1733
Sullivan, John b. circa 1858
Sullivan, Michael b. 1861
Swett, Sarah Ellen b. 1914, d. 1991
Symonds, Catherine b. circa 1636
Taft, Eleanor Baker b. 1882
Taft, Elizabeth L b. circa 1844
Taft, George Shirley b. 1857
Taft, Joseph R b. circa 1828
Taft, Ray Baker b. 1880
Taft, Read b. circa 1848
Tardy, Carol Jean b. circa 1956, d. 2014
Taylor, Calvin b. 1766
Taylor, Eleazer b. 1772
Taylor, Elijah b. 1756
Taylor, Elizabeth1 b. 1671/72, d. 1781
Taylor, Hollis b. 1758
Taylor, John Jr b. circa 1641, d. 1704
Taylor, Mindwell b. 1759
Taylor, Sarah b. 1761
Taylor, Thankful b. 1741
Taylor, Thankful b. 1768
Taylor, Thomas III b. 1764
Taylor, Thomas Jr b. 1717
Taylor, Thomas1 b. 1740
Thomas, Joseph1 b. 1647, d. 1648
Thomas, Josiah b. 1657, d. 1657
Thomas, Josiah1 b. 1655, d. 1657
Thomas, Mary b. 1668, d. 1670
Thomas, Mary1 b. 1650, d. 1650
Thomas, Rowland d. 1698
Thomas, Samuel b. 1649, d. 1649
Thomas, ____ b. 1665, d. 1665
Thomson, Elizabeth d. circa 1627
Tidd, Josephine b. 1872
Tinker, John b. circa 1613, d. 1662
Tinker, Sarah b. circa 1619, d. 1652
Tisdale, John d. 1675
Tobin, Catherine b. circa 1845
Tobin, James b. circa 1847
Towne, Jacob b. circa 1632
Twiss, Lavina b. circa 1822
Tyne, Dennis P b. 1874, d. 1902
Tyne, Mary J b. 1880, d. 1927
Waite, Alexander b. say 1647, d. circa 1681
Wakely, Henry d. after 1689
Walker, Sarah b. circa 1618, d. 1676
Walsh, John b. circa 1902
Ward, Arthur Manley b. 1887
Ward, Gertrude b. 1885, d. 1986
Ward, Helen Douglass b. 1890
Warner, Ebenezer b. 1676
Warner, Phineas b. 1726, d. 1795
Warriner, Ebenezer b. 1682
Warriner, Elizabeth b. 1670
Warriner, Hannah b. 1675
Warriner, James Jr. b. 1668
Warriner, Joseph b. 1677
Warriner, Samuel b. 1680
Warriner, Samuel1 b. 1666, d. 1668
Warriner, William b. 1673
Weed, George b. 1661, d. 1732
Weld, Anna b. 1672, d. 1712
Wells, Ebenezer b. 1723, d. 1787
Wells, Joshua b. 1695
Wells, Joshua b. 1721
Wheeler, Daniel b. circa 1804
Wheeler, J N b. circa 1832
Wheeler, Otis b. 1806
Whelan, Albert J b. circa 1848, d. 1884
Whelan, Frances b. 1846, d. 1920
Whelan, Mary b. 1843
Whelan, William III b. 1841, d. 1905
White, Elizabeth b. 1818, d. 1903
White, Joseph b. circa 1808
Whitman, Abiah Jr. b. 1690, d. 1770
Whitman, Eleanor b. 1688, d. 1781
Whitman, Elizabeth b. circa 1675, d. 1715
Whitman, John b. circa 1681, d. 1758
Whitman, Lydia b. circa 1678, d. 1757
Whitman, Mary b. 1683, d. 1753
Whitman, Zachary b. 1685
Whitney, Lawreence B b. circa 1895
Whitney, Lois b. 1919, d. 1971
Wilbore, John b. say 1679
Willard, Susannah b. circa 1700, d. 1793
Wilshire, Sarah b. circa 1620, d. 1648
Wood, Daniel d. before 1649
Woodward, Acharchie b. circa 1872
Woodward, Bessie L b. 1881
Woodward, Bildad b. 1793, d. 1877
Woodward, Charles M b. circa 1870
Woodward, Freedom b. circa 1642, d. 1681
Woodward, Guy L b. 1884
Woodward, John b. say 1647
Woodward, Lucy E b. 1886
Woodward, Winford b. circa 1874
Woodward, Zopha b. 1800
Worth, Robert L b. circa 1918, d. 1998
Wright, Azariah b. 1698, d. 1772
Wright, Azariah Jr. b. 1737/38, d. 1711
Wright, Azubah b. 1736
Wright, Benoni b. 1702
Wright, Eldad b. 1701
Wright, Eldad b. 1732/33
Wright, Eldad1 b. 1729, d. 1731/32
Wright, Eldad2 b. 1731/32, d. 1732/33
Wright, Eliezer b. 1668, d. 1753
Wright, Hepzibah b. 1691, d. 1693
Wright, Judah b. 1642, d. 1725
Wright, Lucy b. 1730/31, d. 1736
Wright, Lucy b. 1740
Wright, Martha b. 1704
Wright, Mary b. 1695, d. 1714
Wright, Mary b. 1727
Wright, Medad b. 1734
Wright, Mirriam b. 1715, d. 1726
Wright, Nehemiah b. 1699
Wright, Phineas b. 1710
Wright, Samuel Jr. b. circa 1629, d. 1675
Wright, Sarah b. 1707
Young, Edward b. circa 1873
Young, Margaret A b. 1878
Young, Mary E b. 1880
Young, Timothy Francis b. 1876
_____, Anne b. say 1658
_____, Bridget b. circa 1604
_____, Damaris d. 1728
_____, Elizabeth
_____, Elizabeth d. 1730
_____, Elizabeth b. circa 1895
_____, Hannah b. circa 1623, d. 1712/13
_____, Harriet M b. circa 1825
_____, Lydia d. circa 1649
_____, Martha d. 1702/3
_____, Mary d. circa 1678/79
_____, Mary b. circa 1610
_____, Sarah d. 1643/44
_____, Susan b. circa 1815
_____, Susannah b. say 1610
_____, Tabitha b. 1786, d. 1872
_____, ____ b. say 1607, d. after 1630
Tardy, Carol Jean b. circa 1956, d. 2014
Hartt, Edna b. circa 1890
Allen, John b. 1661/62, d. 1690
Aslebee, Rebecca b. 1652
Bridges, Hannah b. 1702
Bridges, James b. 1670/71, d. 1739
Bridges, James III b. 1729
Bridges, James Jr b. 1695, d. 1747
Bridges, Sarah b. 1693/94
Clarke, Elizabeth Minot b. 1897
Dane, Elizabeth b. circa 1640
Frie, Naamah b. say 1726, d. 1779
Holt, Thomas Sr
Hutchinson, Samuel
Johnson, Abigail b. 1681/82
Johnson, Andrew b. 1695, d. 1757
Johnson, Andrew Jr. b. 1725, d. 1745
Johnson, Ann b. 1668
Johnson, Benjamin b. 1677
Johnson, Deborah b. 1742
Johnson, Elizabeth b. 1729, d. 1729
Johnson, Francis b. 1666
Johnson, Hannah b. 1753
Johnson, Hannah1 b. 1729, d. 1729
Johnson, Jacob b. 1727
Johnson, Joseph b. 1677
Johnson, Mary b. 1673
Johnson, Obadiah b. 1698
Johnson, Obadiah Jr. b. 1725
Johnson, Peter b. 1749
Johnson, Phineas b. 1749, d. 1753
Johnson, Stephen b. say 1636
Johnson, Timothy b. circa 1652
Morse, Mary b. say 1728
Osgood, Hannah b. 1699, d. 1729
Peabody, Alice b. 1685, d. 1726
Peters, Mercy b. 1670, d. 1690
_____, Dorothy b. say 1720
_____, Elizabeth d. 1730
Aslebee, Rebecca b. 1652
Bridges, Hannah b. 1702
Bridges, James b. 1670/71, d. 1739
Bridges, James III b. 1729
Bridges, James Jr b. 1695, d. 1747
Bridges, Sarah b. 1693/94
Clarke, Elizabeth Minot b. 1897
Dane, Elizabeth b. circa 1640
Frie, Naamah b. say 1726, d. 1779
Holt, Thomas Sr
Hutchinson, Samuel
Johnson, Abigail b. 1681/82
Johnson, Andrew b. 1695, d. 1757
Johnson, Andrew Jr. b. 1725, d. 1745
Johnson, Ann b. 1668
Johnson, Benjamin b. 1677
Johnson, Deborah b. 1742
Johnson, Elizabeth b. 1729, d. 1729
Johnson, Francis b. 1666
Johnson, Hannah b. 1753
Johnson, Hannah1 b. 1729, d. 1729
Johnson, Jacob b. 1727
Johnson, Joseph b. 1677
Johnson, Mary b. 1673
Johnson, Obadiah b. 1698
Johnson, Obadiah Jr. b. 1725
Johnson, Peter b. 1749
Johnson, Phineas b. 1749, d. 1753
Johnson, Stephen b. say 1636
Johnson, Timothy b. circa 1652
Morse, Mary b. say 1728
Osgood, Hannah b. 1699, d. 1729
Peabody, Alice b. 1685, d. 1726
Peters, Mercy b. 1670, d. 1690
_____, Dorothy b. say 1720
_____, Elizabeth d. 1730
Carroll, John W b. 1850, d. 1942
Catherine, Julia O'Brien b. 1878, d. 1956
Haron, John Joseph b. 1874, d. 1949
Murphy, Ellen M b. 1878, d. 1908
Quirk, Stephen P b. 1878
Walsh, John b. circa 1902
Catherine, Julia O'Brien b. 1878, d. 1956
Haron, John Joseph b. 1874, d. 1949
Murphy, Ellen M b. 1878, d. 1908
Quirk, Stephen P b. 1878
Walsh, John b. circa 1902
Sweetser, Beulah b. 1801

Annable, Abby b. 1795
Annable, Alcemena b. 1788
Annable, Annar b. 1786
Annable, Desire b. 1793
Annable, Dimick1 b. 1783, d. circa 1785
Annable, Dimick2 b. 1798, d. circa 1799
Annable, Isabella b. 1801
Annable, Mehitable b. say 1750, d. 1780
Annable, Mehitable b. 1784
Annable, Nancy b. 1796, d. 1828
Annable, Remember b. 1801
Annable, Rhoda b. 1790
Bartlett, Hannah b. 1778
Bartlett, Horatio b. 1786
Bartlett, Jerusha b. 1785
Bartlett, Lydia b. 1782
Bartlett, Mehitable b. 1769
Bartlett, Moses b. 1772
Bartlett, Phineas Jr. b. 1783
Bartlett, William b. 1793
Belding, Ashur b. 1777
Canfield, Elizabeth b. say 1732, d. 1809
Ellis, Jane b. 1769, d. 1812
Ellis, Remember b. 1735, d. 1795
Elmer, Adolphus b. 1794, d. 1839
Elmer, Samuel b. 1732, d. 1818
Lincoln, Samuel (Capt.)
Moody, Sarah b. 1708, d. 1789
Phillips, Abiather b. 1773
Phillips, Abiather Jr. b. 1804
Phillips, Abner b. 1760
Phillips, Anna b. 1763, d. 1812
Phillips, Anna b. 1782
Phillips, David b. 1766
Phillips, Elijah b. 1759
Phillips, Eliza b. 1803
Phillips, Elizabeth b. 1787, d. circa 1828
Phillips, Esther b. 1801
Phillips, Esther b. 1802, d. circa 1830
Phillips, George b. 1807
Phillips, Hannah b. 1779
Phillips, Israel b. 1770
Phillips, Joshua b. 1771
Phillips, Joshua b. 1806, d. circa 1834
Phillips, Lemuel b. 1762
Phillips, Liscomb b. 1777
Phillips, Peletiah b. circa 1756, d. 1833
Phillips, Philip b. 1800, d. circa 1808
Phillips, Philip (Capt.) b. 1738/39, d. 1800
Phillips, Philip Jr. b. 1764
Phillips, Ruth b. 1779, d. 1842
Phillips, Samuel b. 1775
Phillips, Sawyer b. 1791, d. 1871
Phillips, Simeon b. 1768
Phillips, Submit b. 1789, d. 1833
Phillips, Thomas b. 1711/12, d. 1792
Ranney, Jesse b. 1775, d. 1861
Smith, Chileab b. 1708, d. 1800
Smith, Chileab b. 1742, d. 1843
Smith, Ebenezer b. 1734, d. 1824
Smith, Irene b. 1757, d. 1834
Smith, Jemima b. 1761, d. 1835
Smith, Obed b. 1770, d. 1828
Smith, Preserved b. 1759, d. 1834
Smith, Richard b. 1774, d. 1800
Wait, Cyntha
Annable, Alcemena b. 1788
Annable, Annar b. 1786
Annable, Desire b. 1793
Annable, Dimick1 b. 1783, d. circa 1785
Annable, Dimick2 b. 1798, d. circa 1799
Annable, Isabella b. 1801
Annable, Mehitable b. say 1750, d. 1780
Annable, Mehitable b. 1784
Annable, Nancy b. 1796, d. 1828
Annable, Remember b. 1801
Annable, Rhoda b. 1790
Bartlett, Hannah b. 1778
Bartlett, Horatio b. 1786
Bartlett, Jerusha b. 1785
Bartlett, Lydia b. 1782
Bartlett, Mehitable b. 1769
Bartlett, Moses b. 1772
Bartlett, Phineas Jr. b. 1783
Bartlett, William b. 1793
Belding, Ashur b. 1777
Canfield, Elizabeth b. say 1732, d. 1809
Ellis, Jane b. 1769, d. 1812
Ellis, Remember b. 1735, d. 1795
Elmer, Adolphus b. 1794, d. 1839
Elmer, Samuel b. 1732, d. 1818
Lincoln, Samuel (Capt.)
Moody, Sarah b. 1708, d. 1789
Phillips, Abiather b. 1773
Phillips, Abiather Jr. b. 1804
Phillips, Abner b. 1760
Phillips, Anna b. 1763, d. 1812
Phillips, Anna b. 1782
Phillips, David b. 1766
Phillips, Elijah b. 1759
Phillips, Eliza b. 1803
Phillips, Elizabeth b. 1787, d. circa 1828
Phillips, Esther b. 1801
Phillips, Esther b. 1802, d. circa 1830
Phillips, George b. 1807
Phillips, Hannah b. 1779
Phillips, Israel b. 1770
Phillips, Joshua b. 1771
Phillips, Joshua b. 1806, d. circa 1834
Phillips, Lemuel b. 1762
Phillips, Liscomb b. 1777
Phillips, Peletiah b. circa 1756, d. 1833
Phillips, Philip b. 1800, d. circa 1808
Phillips, Philip (Capt.) b. 1738/39, d. 1800
Phillips, Philip Jr. b. 1764
Phillips, Ruth b. 1779, d. 1842
Phillips, Samuel b. 1775
Phillips, Sawyer b. 1791, d. 1871
Phillips, Simeon b. 1768
Phillips, Submit b. 1789, d. 1833
Phillips, Thomas b. 1711/12, d. 1792
Ranney, Jesse b. 1775, d. 1861
Smith, Chileab b. 1708, d. 1800
Smith, Chileab b. 1742, d. 1843
Smith, Ebenezer b. 1734, d. 1824
Smith, Irene b. 1757, d. 1834
Smith, Jemima b. 1761, d. 1835
Smith, Obed b. 1770, d. 1828
Smith, Preserved b. 1759, d. 1834
Smith, Richard b. 1774, d. 1800
Wait, Cyntha