Stoughton, Thomas III  b. circa 1625, d. 1684
Thomson, Elizabeth  d. circa 1627
Holbrook, Jane  b. circa 1636, d. 1679
Holbrook, John (Capt.)  b. circa 1618
Holbrook, Thomas  b. circa 1589, d. between 1673 and 1677
Holbrook, William  b. circa 1620
Powys, Jane  b. circa 1601
Hoyt, Walter  b. circa 1618, d. 1698
West Hatch
Hoyt, Alexander  b. circa 1623
Hoyt, Nicholas  b. circa 1620
Staffordshire (now West Midlands)
Cliff, Ada  b. 1883
Cliff, Bertha M  b. circa 1877
Cliff, Caleb  b. circa 1840
Cliff, Caleb George  b. circa 1863
Cliff, Charles  b. circa 1882
Cliff, James  b. circa 1875
Cliff, Samuel  b. circa 1866
Cliff, Thomas  b. circa 1871
Cliff, William  b. circa 1879
Paddock Ward
Cliff, Ada  b. 1883
Cliff, Caleb  b. circa 1840
Glover, Elizabeth  b. circa 1843
Walsall Foreign
Cliff, Ada  b. 1883
Cliff, Bertha M  b. circa 1877
Cliff, Caleb  b. circa 1840
Cliff, Caleb George  b. circa 1863
Cliff, Charles  b. circa 1882
Cliff, James  b. circa 1875
Cliff, Thomas  b. circa 1871
Cliff, William  b. circa 1879
Glover, Elizabeth  b. circa 1843
Walsall Borough
Cliff, Caleb  b. circa 1840
Cliff, Caleb George  b. circa 1863
Cliff, Samuel  b. circa 1866
Cliff, Thomas  b. circa 1871
Glover, Elizabeth  b. circa 1843
Bragdon, Arthur  b. circa 1597, d. 1678
Markham, Samuel  b. circa 1622
Packard, George  b. circa 1570, d. 1623
Packard, Mary  b. 1618
Smith, Mary  b. before 1628, d. circa 1671
Smith, Samuel Jr.  b. circa 1625
Ward, Edward  b. circa 1574, d. before 1620/21
Ward, Edward  b. circa 1600, d. 1646
Ward, Lydia  b. 1596, d. before 1626
Ward, Mary  b. circa 1598, d. circa 1663/64
Ward, Nathaniel  b. circa 1598, d. circa 1664
Ward, Rebecca  b. circa 1610, d. 1678
Ward, Susan  b. say 1590, d. circa 1627
Ward, Thomas  b. say 1586
Wyther, Elizabeth  d. 1565
Wyther, Mary  b. circa 1574, d. after 1652
_____, Judith  b. say 1565, d. after 1626
Smith, Elizabeth  b. before 1627
Smith, Mary  b. before 1628, d. circa 1671
Smith, Philip  b. circa 1632, d. 1685
Higham by Nayland
Swaine, Samuel (Capt.)  b. between 1610 and 1624, d. 1682
Browne, Mary  b. say 1596
Browne, William  b. say 1598
Cutting, John (Capt.)  b. say 1595, d. 1659
Markham, William  b. say 1595
Ward, Edward  b. circa 1600, d. 1646
Ward, Lydia  b. 1596, d. before 1626
Ward, Mary  b. circa 1598, d. circa 1663/64
Ward, Rebecca  b. circa 1610, d. 1678
Ward, Samuel  b. say 1580
Ward, Susan  b. say 1590, d. circa 1627
_____, Elizabeth  b. 1621, d. 1689
_____, Judith  b. say 1565, d. after 1626
Little Wratting
Ward, Edward  b. circa 1574, d. before 1620/21
Little Wratting Haverhill
Ward, Lydia  b. 1596, d. before 1626
Packard, John  b. 1603, d. 1659
Seaman, Elizabeth  d. 1678
Watts, Elizabeth  d. 1624
Packard, George  b. 1607, d. after 1664
Montpesson, Katherine  b. 1564, d. 1603
Stoughton, Anne  b. circa 1591, d. 1591
Stoughton, John (Rev.)  b. circa 1593, d. 1639
Stoughton, Thomas (Rev.)  b. say 1555
Stoughton, Thomas Jr  b. circa 1592/93, d. 1661
Stonham Aspal
Packard, Frances  b. 1601
Packard, George  b. circa 1570, d. 1623
Packard, John  b. 1603, d. 1659
Packard, Margaret  b. circa 1610
Packard, Nathan  b. circa 1614, d. 1614
Packard, Samuel  b. circa 1612, d. between 1684 and 1685
Smith, Elizabeth  b. circa 1602, d. 1685
Smith, Samuel (Lieut.)  b. circa 1601, d. before 1680/81
Smith, Samuel Jr.  b. circa 1625
Packard, George  b. circa 1570, d. 1623
Wyther, Mary  b. circa 1574, d. after 1652
Wyther, Thomas  d. 1595
Wyther, Thomas Jr  b. 1582
Woolverstone Par.
Markham, Samuel  b. circa 1622
Suffolk (prob.)
Browne, William  b. say 1598
Gainsford, John III  d. between 1449 and 1450
Gainsford, John IV  d. 1460
Heyer, Walter  b. circa 1643, d. before 1697
Kingston upon Thames
Hurst, Mary  b. 1605
Knight, Elizabeth  b. say 1606, d. 1644
Stoughton, Israel  b. circa 1603, d. 1645
Colepeper, John (Sir)  b. after 1305
Sussex (now East Sussex)
Everest, David  b. circa 1827
Waltonhead (poss.)
Baildon, Francis Jr.  b. say 1574, d. 1612
Van Court, Carrie  b. 1859, d. 1931
Wann, Frederick A  b. 1850, d. 1926
Albright, Alice  b. circa 1606/7
Albright, Anna  b. circa 1603, d. circa 1603/4
Albright, Anne  b. circa 1612
Albright, Elizabeth  b. circa 1592/93, d. circa 1615
Albright, Alice  b. circa 1606/7
Albright, Anna  b. circa 1603, d. circa 1603/4
Albright, Anne  b. circa 1612
Glover, Elizabeth  b. circa 1843
Bragdon, Thomas  b. 1543
_____, Alice  b. 1547, d. 1615
West Riding of Yorkshire
Baildon, Cuthbert  b. circa 1592
Baildon, Dorothy  b. circa 1586
Baildon, Elizabeth  b. circa 1587
Baildon, Ellen  b. circa 1585
Baildon, Francis Jr.  b. say 1574, d. 1612
Baildon, Gilbert  b. circa 1611, d. 1640
Baildon, Margaret  b. circa 1608
Baildon, Martin  b. circa 1594
Baildon, Thomas  b. circa 1596, d. 1619
Baildon, William  b. circa 1589, d. 1597
Goodrick, Margaret  d. 1598
Haldenby, Elizabeth  b. say 1577
Johnson, Frances  b. say 1561, d. 1587
Monk Fryston
West Sussex
West Yorkshire
Beldon, John  b. circa 1606
Beldon, Luke  b. circa 1611
Beldon, Mary  b. circa 1601
Beldon, Susan  b. circa 1604
Beldon, William  b. circa 1609
Ackrenden, Margaret  b. say 1600
Belding, Grace  b. circa 1627
Belding, John  b. circa 1634
Belding, Mary  b. 1625
Belding, Richard  b. circa 1591
Belding, Samuel  b. circa 1632, d. 1713
Belding, Sara  b. circa 1630
Belding, Susan  b. 1623
Belding, John  b. circa 1634
Beldon, John  b. circa 1606
Beldon, Luke  b. circa 1611
Beldon, Mary  b. circa 1601
Beldon, Susan  b. circa 1604
Beldon, William  b. circa 1609
Belding, Susan  b. 1623
Belding, Grace  b. circa 1627
Belding, Mary  b. 1625
Belding, Samuel  b. circa 1632, d. 1713
Belding, Sara  b. circa 1630
Westmorland Co.
Coates, Isabella  b. 1738, d. 1817
Hopkins, Elizabeth  b. 1610, d. 1658
Wakeman, Anne  b. circa 1614
Wakeman, Elizabeth  b. circa 1638
Wakeman, Francis  b. say 1565, d. 1626
Wakeman, Helena  b. circa 1632, d. 1674
Wakeman, Hester  b. circa 1617, d. 1693
Wakeman, Isaac  b. circa 1606, d. 1609
Wakeman, John Jr.  b. circa 1630, d. 1636
Wakeman, Joseph  b. circa 1609
Wakeman, Martha  b. circa 1596
Wakeman, Mary  b. circa 1591
Wakeman, Priscilla  b. circa 1612
Wakeman, Samuel  b. circa 1603, d. 1641
Wakeman, Samuel  b. circa 1635, d. 1692
Wakeman, Sarah  b. circa 1593
Albright, Richard  b. say 1565, d. circa 1613/14
_____, ____  b. say 1572, d. circa 1623/24
Hopkins, Elizabeth  b. 1610, d. 1658
Wakeman, Anne  b. circa 1614
Wakeman, Elizabeth  b. circa 1638
Wakeman, Helena  b. circa 1632, d. 1674
Wakeman, Hester  b. circa 1617, d. 1693
Wakeman, Isaac  b. circa 1606, d. 1609
Wakeman, John  b. circa 1599, d. before 1661
Wakeman, John Jr.  b. circa 1630, d. 1636
Wakeman, Joseph  b. circa 1609
Wakeman, Martha  b. circa 1596
Wakeman, Mary  b. circa 1591
Wakeman, Samuel  b. circa 1603, d. 1641
Wakeman, Samuel  b. circa 1635, d. 1692
Wakeman, Sarah  b. circa 1593
Wells, John  b. say 1635, d. 1692
Wells, Mary  b. 1626, d. 1700
Wells, Thomas  b. say 1598, d. after 1637
Wells, Thomas  b. circa 1620, d. 1676
Wells, ____  d. after 1637
Belding, Richard  b. circa 1591
Field, Anne  b. 1580
Field, Christopher  b. 1565
Field, James  b. 1574
Field, Martin  b. 1577
Field, Matthew  b. 1563
Field, Richard  b. 1563
Field, Thomas  b. 1572
Field, William  b. 1570
Horseman, Christopher  b. circa 1748
Richardson, Christopher  b. circa 1768, d. 1853
Richardson, John  b. circa 1710, d. 1789
Shaw, Grace  b. circa 1621
Shaw, John  b. before 1630, d. 1704
Shaw, John1  b. circa 1627, d. 1629
Shaw, Joseph  b. circa 1617
Shaw, Maria  b. circa 1626
Shaw, Martha  b. circa 1632
Shaw, Martha1  b. circa 1623, d. 1625
Shaw, Susannah  b. say 1619
Sheridan, Annie  b. 1857, d. 1942
Stiles, Robert  b. say 1635, d. 1690
Pickles, Frank Senior  b. 1882, d. 1948
East Ardsley
Field, John  b. circa 1525, d. between 1586 and 1587
Field, Richard  d. 1542
_____, Margaret  b. say 1538, d. circa 1604
Best, Bridget  b. say 1596
Shaw, Abraham  b. say 1593, d. after 1638
Shaw, Grace  b. circa 1621
Shaw, John  b. before 1630, d. 1704
Shaw, John1  b. circa 1627, d. 1629
Shaw, Joseph  b. circa 1617
Shaw, Maria  b. circa 1626
Shaw, Martha  b. circa 1632
Shaw, Martha1  b. circa 1623, d. 1625
Baildon, Luke  b. 1611
Baildon, William  b. 1609
Belden, John  b. 1606
Belden, Mary  b. 1601
Belden, Richard  b. say 1598
Belden, Susan  b. 1604, d. circa 1631
_____, ____  b. say 1578, d. circa 1622
Hutton Rudby
Flintoff, Mary  b. circa 1734, d. circa 1820
Richardson, John  b. circa 1710, d. 1789
Manor of Wakefield
Felde, John
Felde, Thomas  b. circa 1278
Felde, Roger
Felde, Thomas  b. circa 1330, d. after 1384
Sowerby or Bradford
Felde, Thomas  b. circa 1330, d. after 1384
Richardson, Elizabeth  b. 1770, d. 1828
Felde, Thomas  b. circa 1278
Trenholm, John  b. 1738, d. 1817
West Riding
East Ardsley
Field, Zechariah  b. 1596, d. 1666
Baildon, Richard  b. say 1532, d. 1576/77
Baildon, William  b. circa 1556, d. circa 1589
_____, Margaret  b. say 1538, d. circa 1604
Yorkshire (now Lancashire)
Baildon, Alice1  b. circa 1564, d. circa 1567
Baildon, Katherine  b. before 1558, d. circa 1582
Baildon, William  b. circa 1556, d. circa 1589
_____, ____  b. say 1536, d. circa 1558/59
Baildon, Alice1  b. circa 1564, d. circa 1567
Baildon, Katherine  b. before 1558, d. circa 1582
Baildon, Richard  b. say 1532, d. 1576/77
_____, ____  b. say 1536, d. circa 1558/59
Baildon, Jenet  b. circa 1573, d. circa 1576/77
Baildon, Lawrence  b. 1571, d. before 1641/42
Baildon, Richard Jr.  b. circa 1562
Baildon, Alice  b. circa 1568
Baildon, Alice1  b. circa 1564, d. circa 1567
Baildon, Jenet  b. circa 1573, d. circa 1576/77
Baildon, Richard  b. say 1532, d. 1576/77
_____, Margaret  b. say 1538, d. circa 1604
England (almost certainly)
Andrews, Henry  b. say 1605, d. 1653
England (or poss. New England)
Marshfield, Priscilla  b. say 1635, d. 1639
England (prob.)
Allen, Daniel  b. say 1644
Allen, John  b. say 1642
Allen, Joseph  b. before 1641
Andrews, Henry Jr.  b. circa 1629, d. circa 1676
Holbrook, Anne  b. circa 1630
Holbrook, Elizabeth  b. circa 1634
Root, Thomas  b. say 1615
Stoughton, Susanna  b. circa 1630
Vore, Lydia  b. circa 1633, d. 1698
Waite, Thomas  b. circa 1615, d. after 1669
Williams, Mary  b. circa 1610, d. before 1655
Wright, Hester  b. circa 1630, d. before 1663
Wright, James  b. say 1637
Wright, Lydia  b. circa 1634
Wright, Margaret  b. circa 1632
Wright, Mary  b. say 1639
_____, Ann  b. say 1607
_____, ____  b. say 1595, d. between 1625 and 1628
_____, ____  b. say 1618
prob. England
Cheney, Thomas  b. say 1633
England or Massachusetts
Cutting, John Jr.  b. say 1620
Holt, Nicholas  b. circa 1608, d. 1685/86
_____, Elizabeth  d. 1656
_____, ____  b. say 1620
Woolverstone Par.
Markham, William Jr.  b. circa 1621, d. circa 1690
England or Netherlands
Nash, Timothy (Lt.)  b. 1626, d. 1699
England or New England
Stoughton, William  b. circa 1632, d. 1701
Blanchan, Catarinen  b. before 1648
Jeronimiusdr, Maritge  b. say 1570
Bethel, Daniel  b. circa 1860
Bethel, Henry  b. circa 1863
Bethel, Lavinia  b. circa 1876
Bethel, Mary  b. circa 1866
Bethel, Susan E  b. 1868
Bethel, William Jr  b. circa 1858
Cassidy, Albert  b. 1896
Cassidy, Alice Ruth  b. 1894
Cassidy, Clarabell  b. circa 1911
Cassidy, Millie  b. 1888
Duhme, Harriet N  b. circa 1919
Dundon, Anna  b. 1891
Dundon, John  b. 1894
Dundon, Margaret  b. 1896
Edwards, Ignatius Loyala  b. 1917, d. 1991
Fritz, Katherine E  b. 1874, d. 1946
Hicks, Blanche E  b. circa 1872
LaBarr, Howard Earl  b. 1893, d. 1981
McCormick, John M  b. circa 1903
McCormick, Kenneth  b. circa 1905
McCormick, Lawrence  b. circa 1911
McCormick, Lawrence  b. circa 1911
McCormick, Robert I  b. circa 1909
McCormick, Virginia  b. circa 1916
Naab, Hortense M  b. circa 1893, d. 1964
Young, Don Lee  b. 1945, d. 1992
Bay Co.
Tremper, Charles E  b. 1934, d. 2003
Bonita Springs
Donovan, Paul Ronald  b. 1920, d. 2005
Will, Nancy M  b. 1933, d. 2016
Boynton Beach
Hogan, Norma  b. circa 1923, d. 2004
Appel, Marie  b. circa 1893, d. 1968
Patanella, Mary Jacqueline  b. 1939, d. 2023
Brevard Co.
Worth, Robert L  b. circa 1918, d. 1998
Worth, Robert L  b. circa 1918, d. 1998
Iazzetti, Arthur  b. 1916, d. 1997
Booth, William Cryer  b. 1928, d. 2001
Broward Co.
Fagan, John Lawrence  b. 1892, d. 1971
Gatto, Frank  b. 1913, d. 1972
Jayne, Meda Grace  b. circa 1893, d. 1984
Lally, Joseph Francis  b. 1896, d. 1981
_____, Goldine  b. circa 1885, d. 1969
Duhme, Maclaren  b. 1917, d. 2002
Collier Co.
Cassidy, Nathalie Marie  b. 1906, d. 1999
Dade Co.
Becker, Virginia Nell  b. 1893, d. 1988
Cassidy, Elaine V  b. 1890, d. 1958
Edwards, Ignatius Loyala  b. 1917, d. 1991
Edwards, Robert Ewing  b. 1868, d. 1928
Kielbasa, Louis Bolek  b. 1917, d. 1992
Koons, Thomas Abel  b. 1887, d. 1957
McGinn, Hugh Victor  b. 1888, d. 1964
Prec. 62
Cassidy, Clarabell  b. circa 1911
Cassidy, Elaine V  b. 1890, d. 1958
Cassidy, Pauline B  b. 1902
Edwards, Ignatius Loyala  b. 1917, d. 1991
Hartig, Malcolm W  b. 1924, d. 2017
Daytona Beach
Burke, Kenneth William  b. 1940, d. 2001
Duval Co.
Cuff, Nora M  b. circa 1890
McCormick, John M  b. circa 1903
McCormick, John Martin  b. 1866, d. 1919
McCormick, Kenneth  b. circa 1905
McCormick, Lawrence  b. circa 1911
McCormick, Robert I  b. circa 1909
McCormick, Virginia  b. circa 1916
Sheaff, Lucy Irving  b. circa 1871, d. 1921
Smyth, John J  b. 1886, d. 1929
Smyth, Margaret  b. circa 1912
Fort Myers
Collord, Martha Jane  b. 1920, d. 2009
Fort Pierce
Donovan, Laurence J.  b. 1913, d. 1996
McLean, Margaret M  b. 1913, d. 1990
Hernando Co.
Spring Hill
Dugard, James  b. 1928, d. 2010
Hillsborough Co.
Berry, Michael Eugene  b. 1876, d. 1962
Graves, Leslie F  b. 1875, d. 1923
McLean, Arthur Joseph  b. 1917, d. 1991
Graves, Leslie F  b. 1875, d. 1923
Hogan, Lawrence  b. 1920, d. 1988
Indian River Co.
Vero Beach
Burke, Vincent John  b. 1914, d. 1995
Edwards, Ignatius Loyala  b. 1917, d. 1991
Lake Co.
Gilgar, Louise Elizabeth  b. 1915, d. 1998
McKenna, Thomas J  b. 1916, d. 1984
Van Dyck, Rosalie  b. 1890, d. 1979
Lee Co.
Hornsey, Frederic Preston  b. 1883, d. 1971
Long, Mary Helen  b. 1893, d. 1967
Manatee Co.
Lewis, Paul Frederick  b. 1887, d. 1972
Martin Co.
Palm City
O'Keefe, Carol Frances  b. 1922, d. 2005
Miami Beach
Rumsey, Helen Hasbrouck  b. circa 1907
Rumsey, Lee M Jr.  b. circa 1902
Rumsey, Lee Moses  b. 1877, d. 1942
Tracy, Genevieve  b. circa 1875
Miami-Dade Co.
Edwards, Ignatius Loyala  b. 1917, d. 1991
Koons, Barbara Nell  b. 1918, d. 2011
Miami Beach
Becker, Virginia Nell  b. 1893, d. 1988
Koons, Barbara Nell  b. 1918, d. 2011
Koons, Thomas Abel  b. 1887, d. 1957
Koons, Virginia Carolyn  b. 1913, d. 2008
Monroe Co.
Bethel, Susan E  b. 1868
Cassidy, Elaine V  b. 1890, d. 1958
Cassidy, Joseph J  b. circa 1859, d. before 1920
Edwards, Robert Ewing  b. 1868, d. 1928
Key West
Bethel, Daniel  b. circa 1860
Bethel, Emma  b. circa 1872
Bethel, Henry  b. circa 1863
Bethel, Lavinia  b. circa 1876
Bethel, Mary  b. circa 1866
Bethel, Susan E  b. 1868
Bethel, William H  b. 1836
Bethel, William Jr  b. circa 1858
Cassidy, Albert  b. 1896
Cassidy, Alice Ruth  b. 1894
Cassidy, Clarabell  b. circa 1911
Cassidy, Elaine V  b. 1890, d. 1958
Cassidy, Joseph J  b. circa 1859, d. before 1920
Cassidy, Millie  b. 1888
Cassidy, Nathalie Marie  b. 1906, d. 1999
Cassidy, Pauline B  b. 1902
Singleton, Alice Susan  b. 1838, d. 1923