- Gaty
Emma Virginia b. 1850
- Gaudet
Arzale b. circa 1892Aurele S b. circa 1895Camille Edward b. 1888Catherine b. circa 1843Catherine Emma b. 1871, d. 1959Clovis Joseph b. circa 1877Edmond b. circa 1850Edouard b. 1857Edward b. 1857Ellen Josephine b. 1899Evangeline b. circa 1883Gilbert d. 1934Joseph Alfred b. 1884Julia b. 1860Margaret Anne b. circa 1867, d. 1908Marie Corinne b. 1896Marie Elodie b. 1885Marie Hermance b. 1890Marie Juliette Dorilla b. 1901Mary Ellen b. 1882, d. 1913Mary Jane b. 1880Maxime b. circa 1845, d. 1911Thomas b. circa 1841Yvon Edward b. 1891
- Gaudion
Sarah b. circa 1809
- Gaus
Harry E b. circa 1875Mary b. circa 1872
- Gauthier
- Gautreau
Aimé b. 1857, d. 1938Alfred Francis b. 1899, d. 1972Alphey b. 1899, d. 1972Alphé b. 1863Amos b. 1857, d. 1938Annie b. 1865, d. 1928Annébel b. 1893Anselm b. circa 1849Arménégile b. 1886, d. 1975Arriete b. circa 1856Arzale b. circa 1892Delphine b. circa 1866Domitile b. circa 1846Eliza b. 1896Elze b. 1891Elzear b. 1891Franci b. circa 1860Frederique b. circa 1851Janne b. 1890Joseph b. circa 1825Joseph Jr. b. circa 1869Lisa b. 1896Mainie b. 1888, d. 1979Marguerite b. circa 1825Mary b. circa 1854Matilda b. circa 1846Mitchell b. 1886, d. 1975Philias b. circa 1904Philippe b. circa 1869Rosalie b. circa 1870Rose b. circa 1854Salome b. 1888, d. 1979Samuel b. circa 1849Sylvie b. circa 1840Sylvie b. 1860
- Gautreau (cont.)
Thada b. circa 1847
- Gauvin
Julia Anne b. circa 1821
- Gauvreau
Ferdinand (Rev.) b. 1796, d. 1875Sophia b. 1851, d. 1935
- Gay
Henry F b. 1882, d. 1940Julia Louise b. 1886, d. 1922
- Gaylord
Mary b. say 1626Samuel b. say 1626
- Gayne
William b. say 1835, d. 1921
- Gaynesford
John d. 1460John Jr d. 1460
John Sr d. between 1449 and 1450
- Gayton
Ann b. circa 1847Edward b. 1822, d. 1902Edward Isaac Jr. b. circa 1856Eliza W b. circa 1854Elizabeth b. circa 1825, d. 1883Frederick b. circa 1868George b. circa 1864James b. circa 1862Jane b. circa 1859John b. circa 1830John b. circa 1851Margaret b. circa 1836Martha b. circa 1847William b. circa 1849
- Gearon
John b. say 1790
- Geary
Alice Catherine b. 1875James A b. circa 1864
- Gebbie
Janet Agnes b. 1875
- Gee
Sarah Jane b. circa 1827, d. 1899
- Geesie
Eleanor b. say 1740
- Gendron
Marie Anne b. circa 1740
- Gentry
Jane b. 1816, d. after 1870Nellie Leola b. 1899Travis b. 1892
- Gephart
Elizabeth b. circa 1820, d. before 1842
- Gerard
Caroline b. 1844, d. 1926John H b. before 1818
- Gerards
- Geriak
Catherine b. circa 1910, d. 1943Mark b. 1902, d. 1983
- Gerlach
Joanna b. 1903, d. 1992John Harbridge b. 1930, d. 1971Maureen b. 1933, d. 1981Norman Harbridge b. 1904, d. 1980
- Germain
Joseph Ira b. circa 1871Mary b. circa 1875Mary b. 1876
- Germaine
Ira b. circa 1871, d. 1936
- Gerrard
Caroline b. 1844, d. 1926Jacob b. 1819
- Gerretse
- Gerrits
Catryna b. say 1659Elbert b. circa 1670, d. 1750Elizabeth b. between 1622 and 1630, d. circa 1707Gessie b. between 1642 and 1646, d. circa 1700Guert b. between 1620 and 1630, d. circa 1697Jan b. circa 1650Jannetje b. circa 1632, d. circa 1670Lysbet b. circa 1653Maria b. circa 1672, d. 1731Otto b. circa 1646Wolfert b. 1580, d. 1662
- Gerritse
Christina b. circa 1685, d. 1707Geertruy b. circa 1683Jan b. circa 1672, d. 1725Ryer b. circa 1674, d. 1752
- Gerritsz
- Gerritszen
Hendrick b. say 1650Marritje b. say 1652Philip b. before 1622
- Gerton
Harry b. 1874, d. 1888Mary b. circa 1876Sarah b. circa 1877
- Gerêt
Marguerite b. circa 1795
- Getman
Abner b. circa 1830Almira b. circa 1870Althea b. 1840Duane b. circa 1864Frances L b. circa 1863James D b. circa 1864
- Giannini
Rocky b. 1918, d. 1967Susie b. 1923
- Gibbon
- Gibbons
Bridget b. circa 1850Elizabeth b. circa 1619, d. 1696Hattie b. circa 1889James J b. circa 1850Margaret Mary b. 1880Martin F b. circa 1878Mary b. after 1636/37Sarah b. after 1636/37Ursula d. after 1654/55William d. before 1655
- Gibbs
Edward b. circa 1660Edward Jr. b. 1693Elizabeth b. circa 1848Hepsibah b. circa 1642, d. 1697/98Mary b. circa 1665Samuel b. say 1633, d. 1719/20William H b. circa 1868
- Gibson
Alfred Craven b. circa 1822, d. 1900Anna b. 1785Anna Maria b. 1807, d. before 1850Elizabeth W b. 1820, d. 1892Mary Emma b. 1877Miles b. say 1644Nancy King b. 1816, d. 1853Robert b. 1788Virginia b. circa 1842, d. 1922
- Gieseker
Alex b. circa 1858Alfred L b. 1875, d. 1929Bertha b. circa 1870Catherine b. circa 1873, d. 1968Charles b. circa 1853Frederick W b. circa 1830Fredrick W Jr. b. circa 1866Ida b. circa 1869Mary b. circa 1832, d. 1911
- Gifford
Deborah b. 1753James b. 1765Jeneverah b. 1728, d. before 1790John b. 1757Mary b. 1773Sarah b. 1763, d. 1855Sylvanus b. 1720, d. 1804Wesson b. 1768
- Gilbault
Pierre (Rev.) b. 1737, d. 1802
- Gilbert
Catherine b. 1626, d. 1712Henry b. 1661/62, d. 1740John b. 1657, d. 1708/9Jonathan b. circa 1617, d. 1682Kathleen Claire b. 1912, d. 2002Mary b. 1626, d. 1700Sarah b. 1655/56, d. 1712Thomas b. circa 1624, d. 1662Thomas b. 1658/59, d. 1698William M b. circa 1911
- Gild
Joseph b. say 1583Marie b. circa 1590
- Giles
Abigail b. circa 1764, d. 1802Mary b. circa 1670
- Gilfillen
Charles b. circa 1826James R b. circa 1883Jettie b. 1888
- Gilgar
Edward William b. 1890, d. 1968
Louise Elizabeth b. 1915, d. 1998
Rosalie b. 1890, d. 1979
- Gililland
Agnes Johnson b. 1796, d. 1825Alexander Landrum b. 1843, d. 1896Allen Johnson b. circa 1821Charity b. circa 1813Cynthia b. 1839, d. 1859David b. circa 1827Elizabeth Francis b. 1832, d. 1870Flora Rebecca Agnes b. circa 1848George Washington b. circa 1834Isaac W b. circa 1823James T b. 1830, d. 1897Jessie Richardson b. circa 1820John Barnabas b. circa 1825John Richardson b. 1793, d. 1852Levan Allen b. circa 1818Levi Sanford b. 1846, d. 1909Lewis Clay b. circa 1841Margaret b. circa 1815Mary Elizabeth b. circa 1826Nancy Ann b. 1830, d. 1915Sarah Catharine b. 1836, d. 1917Virginia b. circa 1827William Lowe b. circa 1816
- Gill
Anna b. circa 1810Charles b. 1841Harriet b. circa 1850, d. circa 1850James b. 1836John T b. 1806, d. 1850John T Jr. b. 1845Joseph b. 1837Martha A b. 1842Rachel b. 1784, d. 1848Rachel b. 1839Samuel b. say 1779Samuel b. 1833Samuel Gill d. 1850Sarah b. 1832Zachary Taylor b. 1848
- Gillen
Alice b. 1908
- Gillespie
Adeline b. circa 1839, d. 1923Alice Catherine b. 1875Aloysius b. 1898Ann b. circa 1841Anna b. circa 1867Anna Mary b. 1797, d. 1879Augustine A b. circa 1869Catherine Whalen b. circa 1826, d. circa 1897Cecilia b. circa 1841Charles b. 1792, d. 1882Charles C b. 1900Charles J b. circa 1837, d. 1898Cornelius b. 1862, d. 1951Daniel b. circa 1810Daniel b. circa 1853Daniel Jr. b. 1837, d. 1912Daniel Paul b. 1871, d. 1941David b. circa 1859Edmond b. 1898Edmund Patrick b. 1873, d. 1929Ellen b. 1802, d. 1829Ellen b. circa 1844Ellen b. 1866, d. 1957Ellen b. 1903Ellen A S b. circa 1828, d. 1900Francis b. circa 1861Frank b. 1869James b. circa 1820, d. before 1871James b. circa 1857James Francis b. 1869Joanna b. 1878Johanna b. 1842, d. 1919Johanna b. circa 1870Johanna b. 1908John b. circa 1850John William b. 1867Katharine b. circa 1826, d. circa 1897Laura b. circa 1865Lucy A b. circa 1836, d. 1906Margaret b. circa 1855
- Gillespie (cont.)
Margaret b. 1903Margaret J b. 1880Mary b. circa 1803Mary b. circa 1810Mary b. 1841, d. 1910Mary b. circa 1871Mary A b. circa 1834, d. 1880Mary Ellen b. 1873Mary Rebecca b. circa 1866Minnie b. circa 1871Nellie b. 1873Paul b. 1871, d. 1941Paul Joseph b. circa 1880Philip C b. circa 1872Rosanna b. 1823, d. 1898Sadie b. circa 1912Susannah b. circa 1846Theresa b. circa 1865William b. 1867William Neil b. circa 1848Winfred b. circa 1884
- Gillett
Abigail b. before 1646, d. 1648/49Anna b. 1639, d. 1711Cornelius b. say 1636Deborah b. 1666, d. 1753Elizabeth b. 1646/47, d. before 1682Elizabeth b. 1666Esther b. 1665Hannah b. 1675, d. 1683Jeremiah b. 1647/48, d. 1692/93Joanna b. 1657, d. 1735/36John b. before 1644, d. 1682John b. 1671Jonathan b. circa 1609, d. 1677Jonathan b. 1669, d. 1686Jonathan Jr. b. circa 1634, d. 1697/98Joseph b. 1641, d. 1675Joseph Jr. b. 1664Josiah b. before 1650, d. 1736Mary b. 1607, d. 1685/86Mary b. circa 1635/36Mary b. say 1640Mary b. before 1651, d. 1725Mary b. 1667Mary b. circa 1849, d. 1914Miriam b. 1644/45, d. 1727Nathaniel b. 1673Samuel b. before 1642/43
- Gillette
Margarette b. 1699