- Varrivanger
Marritie Jacobs b. before 1649
- Vatter
Catherine b. circa 1856
- Vaughn
Abraham b. circa 1712Albert b. circa 1857Edith b. circa 1715
- Vautour
Apollina b. circa 1792Johanna b. 1866Lawrence b. circa 1875Matthew Edmond b. 1902
- Veale
James b. between 1760 and 1800
- Veatch
Catherine b. circa 1802, d. 1843Charles b. say 1800
- Vebber
Cornelia b. circa 1842
- Velas
Christo G b. circa 1908
- Velten
Anna Elizabeth b. 1722Joris d. circa 1642
- Veluta
Anna b. circa 1892James b. 1906John b. 1894Joseph b. circa 1860, d. 1949Josephine b. circa 1886Margaret b. circa 1900Maria b. circa 1888Rosalia b. circa 1870, d. circa 1934Rose b. 1903Rosie b. 1908Teresa b. circa 1897William b. 1902
- Ventres
- Ver Brúgge
Johannes Pieterszen b. say 1626Tr˙ntje b. circa 1629
- Ver Wey
- Verbeeck
Jan b. circa 1613, d. 1698Maijke b. circa 1599
- Verclocken
Hans b. circa 1537Susanna b. circa 1567
- Verkerck
Jannetje b. say 1685, d. 1772
- Verleth
Abraham b. circa 1650Caspar b. say 1592, d. 1662Catharina b. circa 1636Francina b. say 1570, d. 1612Jannetje b. circa 1630, d. before 1666Judith b. say 1595Judith b. circa 1635, d. after 1707Maria b. circa 1634Nicholas b. say 1624, d. 1675Nicolaes b. circa 1565, d. 1605Susanna b. circa 1628, d. before 1656Susannah b. circa 1652
- Vermelje
Johannes b. say 1648
- Vermilye
Maria b. say 1630
- Vernelje
Aeltie b. 1651Johannes b. say 1648Rebecca b. circa 1671
- Vernooy
- Vernou
Louise b. circa 1810, d. 1872
- Verplanck
- Verplancken
Hillegond b. say 1654
- Verro
Ezio b. 1945, d. 2011
- Vervele
Amelyn b. circa 1685Francyntie Johannese b. circa 1706Johannes b. say 1682, d. before 1710
- Verwey
- Vetter
Nellie Mae b. 1918, d. 2016Robert G b. 1918, d. 2013
- Vibber
Sterling b. circa 1817
- Vick
Elizabeth b. 1849Sabra E b. 1849
- Vickaris
Helen b. say 1588
- Vickers
Janette P b. 1904, d. 1994
- Victory
Bertha b. 1880, d. 1969Della Alberta b. 1880, d. 1969
- Viele
Aernoudt b. circa 1640Cornelis Cornelise b. circa 1643Cornelis Volkertszen b. say 1618Jacomyntje b. circa 1645Jacomyntje b. circa 1655, d. circa 1713Maria b. circa 1617, d. after 1670Pieter Cornelise b. circa 1648, d. before 1690
- Vielen
Catharine b. say 1710
- Vielé
Arnout Cornelis b. say 1685Debora b. say 1693Helena b. circa 1727Jacomyntje b. circa 1655, d. circa 1713Jannetje b. say 1691Lewis b. say 1677Marytje b. circa 1675Pieter b. say 1687Suster b. say 1664Volkert b. circa 1689
- Viero
Anna Margreta b. 1740Christaan b. circa 1724Christina b. circa 1721
- Vigle
Fanny b. 1870William A b. 1874
- Vincent
Almira b. circa 1808, d. 1890Althea b. 1840Elizabeth b. 1857Gardner b. 1789, d. 1862Gardner H b. circa 1836Letetia b. circa 1834Mabel b. circa 1804, d. 1836Sarah Elizabeth b. 1857
- Vinge
- Vint
Isabella b. circa 1843
- Virga
Anna b. circa 1775Biaggio b. circa 1797Concetta b. 1805Isidoro b. circa 1775Maria Giuseppa b. circa 1807, d. 1853Rosalia b. 1801
- Virgadamo
Antonia b. circa 1888Frank b. 1889Gaetana b. circa 1882, d. 1920Giuseppe b. circa 1852Joseph b. circa 1852Lena b. circa 1882, d. 1920Maria b. 1855, d. 1915Maria Antonia b. circa 1888Providence b. circa 1893Salvatore b. 1878
- Vissenburg
Adam b. say 1570Annetgen b. circa 1600Job Damis b. circa 1595Maijke b. circa 1599
- Visser
Catryna b. circa 1702Pieter b. say 1698
- Vitullo
Pasquale b. 1922, d. 1982Rosa b. 1920, d. 2008
- Vivian
Eliza b. circa 1849Ellen b. circa 1849Harriet b. circa 1844, d. 1921Henry b. circa 1813, d. 1862Mary b. circa 1818, d. 1867Mary Lavinia b. 1849, d. 1931Sally b. circa 1854Thomas b. circa 1839William b. circa 1841
- Vivrett
Beady b. circa 1807Elizabeth b. circa 1775Elizabeth b. circa 1833Jasper N b. circa 1833, d. 1864John Franklin b. 1859, d. 1951Theodocia b. 1860, d. 1948
- Vizza
Rosalia b. circa 1810
- Vleught
Susanah b. circa 1630
- Voare
Richard b. circa 1600, d. 1683
- Vokes
Clayton C b. circa 1856Eva S b. circa 1848James b. circa 1825Lyda b. circa 1854, d. 1875Sarah Ann b. 1825
- Volckertszen
Cornelis b. say 1618Dirck b. say 1620
- Voorhees
- Vore
Abigail b. circa 1640, d. 1727Ann b. say 1607Lydia b. circa 1633, d. 1698Mary b. circa 1630, d. before 1686Richard b. circa 1600, d. 1683Sarah b. circa 1635, d. 1675/76
- Vosberg
Mary b. 1846, d. 1923
- Vosburgh
Anna b. 1690Lena b. 1699Matthias b. 1722Pieter b. 1690
- Voss
- Vote
Barbara E b. 1875
- Vredenburg
Elisabeth b. say 1714Willem b. say 1704Willem˙ntje b. say 1708
- Vredenburgh
Catherine Isabella Columbia b. 1893, d. 1929Thomas D b. circa 1878
- Vreeland
Grietje b. circa 1645
- Vrelandt
Margaretha b. say 1736
- Vrolich
- Vrooman
Elisabeth b. circa 1629
Jacob Meese d. before 1692 - Vyne
- V˙nen
- Vöss
- Wadams
Christie b. circa 1867
- Waddy
- Wade
Anna b. circa 1861Arthur b. circa 1878Delia Ann b. circa 1866Effie b. circa 1873Freelove b. 1869, d. 1897Isaac b. circa 1842James E b. 1858James J b. circa 1872John A b. circa 1874Lucinda b. say 1830Luella b. 1863, d. 1887Martha b. circa 1840Martha J b. 1867Mary b. circa 1843Ode b. 1889Olive J b. between 1866 and 1867Ott b. 1891Polly S b. circa 1862Thomas S. b. circa 1838William A b. between 1860 and 1861William S b. circa 1878
- Wadhams
Christie b. circa 1867
- Wadsworth
Abigail b. 1646/47, d. 1723Elizabeth b. circa 1621Mary d. 1712William b. say 1619Zilpah b. 1778, d. 1851
- Wagenaar
Jacob Aertse b. circa 1612
- Wager
Sarah b. 1839
- Waggaman
Marie b. circa 1858
- Wagner
Arthemise b. 1907Katie Augusta b. 1867, d. 1911Winnie b. 1875, d. 1947____ b. say 1904, d. before 1939
- Wagoner
Alta Florence b. 1849, d. 1932
- Wainwright
- Wait
Benjamin b. circa 1645, d. 1704Canada b. 1678, d. 1749
- Waite
Abigail b. 1693Alexander b. say 1647, d. circa 1681Benjamin b. circa 1683Benjamin b. 1690Benjamin b. 1707Benjamin b. 1718Benjamin (Sgt.) b. circa 1645, d. 1704Canada b. 1678, d. 1749Chloe b. 1738Damaris d. 1728David b. 1722Eleanor b. say 1618, d. after 1669Eleanor b. 1688Eleanor b. 1722Eleanor b. 1730Elisha b. 1725Emily b. circa 1858Eunice b. 1720Gad b. circa 1712Hannah d. 1716Hannah b. say 1640Hannah b. 1716Jeremiah b. after 1648, d. before 1677Jeremiah b. 1684Jeremiah b. 1698Jerusha b. 1728Joel b. 1754Joel1 b. 1726John b. 1680, d. between 1743 and 1744John III b. 1743John Jr. b. 1703, d. 1776Joseph b. circa 1643, d. 1665Joseph b. 1688, d. circa 1780Joseph b. 1693Joseph1 b. 1682, d. 1686/87Katherine b. 1736Lucy b. 1727Lydia b. 1712Lydia b. 1734Lydia1 b. 1710
- Waite (cont.)
Martha b. 1643, d. 1744Martha b. 1649Martha b. 1673Martha b. 1706Martha b. 1724Mary d. 1792Mary b. say 1655, d. after 1713Mary b. 1672Mary b. circa 1680Mary b. 1683Mary b. 1685Mary b. 1708Mary b. 1708Mary b. 1730Mary b. 1741Miriam b. circa 1720Moses b. 1714Nathan b. 1711Reuben b. say 1647, d. 1707Reuben b. circa 1714Reuben Jr. b. 1695Rhoda b. 1721Samuel b. circa 1640, d. 1676/77Sarah b. say 1644Sarah b. 1675Sarah b. say 1716Seth b. 1732Simeon b. circa 1716Submit b. 1707Submit b. 1746Tabitha b. 1695Thomas b. circa 1615, d. after 1669Thomas b. 1683Thomas III b. 1681Thomas Jr. b. after 1648, d. before 1733
- Wakefield
Mary b. 1645, d. 1703
- Wakehurst
Margaret d. 1504Margery d. 1504
- Wakely
Henry d. after 1689Sarah b. 1620/21, d. after 1689
- Wakeman
Anne b. say 1568Anne b. circa 1614Elizabeth b. 1610, d. 1658Elizabeth b. circa 1638Francis b. say 1565, d. 1626Hannah d. 1721Helena b. circa 1632, d. 1674Hester b. circa 1617, d. 1693Isaac b. circa 1606, d. 1609John b. circa 1599, d. before 1661John Jr. b. circa 1630, d. 1636Joseph b. circa 1609Martha b. circa 1596Mary b. circa 1591Priscilla b. circa 1612Samuel b. circa 1603, d. 1641Samuel b. circa 1635, d. 1692Samuel Jr. b. 1657Sarah b. circa 1593
- Walach
Mary Anne b. say 1850
- Waldbart
Alexander b. 1845Alexander Jr. b. circa 1874Anne b. 1886Emily b. 1877Emily L b. circa 1848Eugene b. 1880George b. 1878Leo b. 1888Richard b. 1889
- Walden
Emma b. circa 1862
- Walderne
John b. say 1560, d. 1609
- Waldron
Aeltie b. 1651Aeltje b. 1619, d. say 1648Annecken b. say 1669Annetje b. circa 1623Annetje b. circa 1657Annetje b. say 1675Annetje b. circa 1681Annetje1 b. circa 1680Barent b. 1655Benjamin b. circa 1597Catharina b. circa 1689Cornelia b. circa 1659Cornelia b. circa 1688Daniel b. 1656Debora b. circa 1659Deborah b. circa 1599Elizabeth b. circa 1587Engeltje b. say 1650Jan b. circa 1661Jan b. circa 1685Jane b. circa 1586Jannetje b. say 1666Joan b. circa 1564, d. circa 1610/11Joan b. circa 1584Johannes b. 1665John b. say 1560, d. 1609John b. circa 1593Joris b. say 1650Joseph b. circa 1674Joseph W b. circa 1617, d. 1663Judith b. circa 1675Maria b. circa 1686Marritje b. say 1652Neeltje b. say 1671Rebecca b. 1623, d. circa 1653Rebecca b. 1649
Resolved b. 1589