Bergen op Zoom
Bayard, Catharine  b. circa 1646
Clopper, Cornelis Jansen  b. circa 1634
Verbeeck, Jan  b. circa 1613, d. 1698
Briel (now Brielle)
Felten, Joris  d. circa 1642
Maessen, Cornelis  b. say 1612, d. 1648
Bornstra, Gertrude  b. circa 1615
Wendell, Evert Jansen  b. circa 1615
Stuyvesant, Balthazar (Rev.)  b. circa 1565, d. 1637
Jans, Jannetje  b. say 1634
De Betuwe
Nevius, Johannes  b. say 1630
Van Wagenen, Aert  b. circa 1620, d. before 1667
Gerrits, Catryna  b. say 1659
Gerrits, Gessie  b. between 1642 and 1646, d. circa 1700
Gerrits, Guert  b. between 1620 and 1630, d. circa 1697
Gerrits, Jannetje  b. circa 1632, d. circa 1670
Gerrits, Otto  b. circa 1646
van Zandt, Catherine Adamse  b. say 1657, d. before 1697
Hendricks, Aeltje  b. 1619, d. say 1648
Nagel, Tanneke  b. circa 1624
Melchiors, Tryntje  b. circa 1610
Simons, Hendrickje  b. circa 1625
de Forest, Gerard  b. say 1579
de Forest, Israel  b. circa 1617
de Forest, Jesse Jr  b. circa 1615
de Forest, Philippe  b. circa 1620
de Forest, Rachel  b. circa 1610, d. circa 1643
de la Grange, Hester  b. say 1582
de la Montagne, Jean Jr  b. 1633
De La Montagne, Johannes (Dr.)  b. circa 1595
de la Montagne, Jolant  b. 1627, d. circa 1629
de la Montagne, Rachel  b. 1634
Masterson, Nathaniel  b. 1628, d. 1691/92
Pieterszen, Nathaniel  b. circa 1639
Van Gaasbeek, Jacomyntje  b. 1673, d. 1741
Van Gaasbeek, Maria  b. 1674
Van Oosten, Laurens Jansen  b. say 1644
North Holland
Bayard, Samuel  b. say 1610
Stuyvesant, Annetje  b. say 1615
North Brabant
Hardenstein, Margaret  b. 1575, d. 1625
Duÿcking, Evert Duÿcking  b. circa 1620, d. circa 1701
Bayard, Judith  b. say 1624, d. 1687
Stuyvesant, Pieter  b. 1592
North Holland
Goverts, Maritje  b. 1593, d. after 1661
Barentsen, Jan  b. say 1640, d. circa 1667
Pieterszen, Adriaen  b. say 1620
Daniels, Annetje  b. circa 1623
Goverts, Maritje  b. 1593, d. after 1661
Hendricks, Aeltje  b. 1619, d. say 1648
Hendricks, Rebecca  b. 1623, d. circa 1653
Lamberts, Claesje  b. circa 1595
Lernout, Daniel Adriens  b. circa 1592, d. before 1649
Melchersz, Hendrick  b. say 1595, d. before 1637
Tÿjsz, Annetje  b. circa 1595
Waldron, William  b. 1646
Maartensz, Volkert  b. circa 1578
Volckertszen, Dirck  b. say 1620
Dirks, Anna  b. circa 1578
Rutgers, Sara  b. say 1656
Beeck, Pieter Cornelisz  b. 1607, d. 1652
Davidts, Maijke  b. circa 1599
Esaisdr, Anneke  b. circa 1509, d. 1538
Jansdr, Ariaentgen
Teunis, Annetgen  b. circa 1600
Van Der Linde, Anna  b. between 1560 and 1580
Van Der Linde, Esaias  b. say 1600, d. before 1641
Van Der Linde, Esaias Arentsz  b. before 1535, d. after 1601
Van Der Linde, Ewout Esaiasz  b. say 1565
Van Der Linde, Pieter Ewoutsz  b. after 1590
van Vossele, Lijsbeth  b. after 1590
Vissenburg, Job Damis  b. circa 1595
Rotterdam (prob.)
Van Der Linde, Esaias  b. say 1600, d. before 1641
Van Der Linde, Esaias Arentsz  b. before 1535, d. after 1601
South Holland
Slegt, Annetje  b. 1647
Slegt, Hendrick  b. say 1641
Slegt, Jan Cornelisen  b. circa 1643
Van Wagenen, Neeltje  b. circa 1641, d. before 1691
Esaisdr, Anneke  b. circa 1509, d. 1538
Van Der Linde, Arent Jansz  b. circa 1500, d. 1538
Van Der Linde, Esaias Arentsz  b. before 1535, d. after 1601
de Forest, Isaac  b. circa 1616, d. circa 1674
du Chesne, Barbe  b. say 1568
du Trieux, Madeleine  b. circa 1620, d. circa 1621
du Trieux, Maria  b. circa 1617, d. after 1670
du Trieux, Philippe  b. circa 1586, d. before 1653
du Trieux, Philippe Jr  b. circa 1619, d. before 1653
du Trieux, Philippe1  b. circa 1615, d. circa 1616
Noirett, Arnould  b. say 1568
Noirett, Jaquemyntje  b. circa 1593, d. circa 1620
Claes, Jacob  b. circa 1591
Slegt, Annetje  b. 1647
Slegt, Jacomyntje  b. circa 1645
Slegt, Jan Cornelisen  b. circa 1643
The Hague
Post, Adriaan  b. say 1653
The Hague or Rotterdam
de Potter, Cornelis  b. say 1600, d. between 1659 and 1660
Jacobs, Jacomyn  b. say 1643
Tintenier, Judith  b. say 1595
Van Couwenhoven, Wolfert Gerritsz  b. 1580, d. 1662
Van Dyck, Lydia  b. say 1634, d. circa 1674
Van Dyck, Rycke  b. circa 1638
Van Wagenen, Grietje  b. between 1647 and 1649, d. 1723
Verleth, Caspar  b. say 1592, d. 1662
Van den Burg, Annetje Gerritse  b. say 1620, d. before 1678
Van Wagenen, Aert  b. circa 1620, d. before 1667
Van Wagenen, Neeltje  b. circa 1641, d. before 1691
Bogardus, Everadus (Dom.)  b. 1607, d. 1647
Utrecht (now)
Wijk bij Duurstede
Utrecht Prov. (today)
Sticht Utrecht
Reÿerszen, Gerrit  b. circa 1640, d. before 1698
Walings, Grietje  b. circa 1645
Walings, Jacob  b. circa 1599
Miggielse, Leuntje  b. say 1677
Wallis, Jan  b. circa 1585
Stoffelsen, Jacob  b. circa 1601, d. before 1668
Zuider Zee
Van Dyck, Janneke  b. circa 1644
Netherlands (now Belgium)
Van Valkenburgh, Lambert Andriessen  b. say 1575, d. 1651
_____, Maria  b. say 1578, d. 1650
Antwerp (today)
Loockermans, Annetje  b. say 1621
Van Valkenburgh, Lambert Lambertszen  b. circa 1614, d. before 1697
Van Valkenburgh, Andries  b. circa 1540, d. before 1609
Van Valkenburgh, Lambert Lambertszen  b. circa 1614, d. before 1697
_____, Maria  b. say 1578, d. 1650
Loockermans, Govert  b. circa 1617
Netherlands (now)
Willems, Jannetje  b. circa 1641
Mol, Huybert Lambertszen  b. circa 1638
Mol, Lambert Huybertsen  b. circa 1610
North Brabant
Ackerman, Abraham  b. say 1656
Netherlands (prob.)
Vissenburg, Adam  b. say 1570
Vissenburg, Job Damis  b. circa 1595
Netherlands or Germany
East Friesland
Foocken, Gerrit  b. say 1640
Netherlands or New Netherland
Waldron, Marritje  b. say 1652
Netherlands or Norway
Hansen, Hans  b. say 1615, d. circa 1654
Netherlands or poss. Ostfriesland (East Frisia, now Germany)
Delft or poss. Breijck (now Brackel)
Bleijck, Cornelis Adriaens  d. between 1637 and 1639
Cornish, Mabel Belinda  b. 1881, d. 1945
Downey, Margaret A  b. circa 1871
Fetterman, Virginia  b. circa 1876
Kaneen, Charles S  b. circa 1867, d. 1943
Kaneen, Margaret  b. circa 1872, d. 1958
Kaneen, Maud Stella  b. 1871, d. 1946
Kaneen, Nellie  b. circa 1864
Kaneen, Pattie M  b. 1880
Kaneen, Ruth M  b. 1889, d. 1968
Kaneen, William  b. 1873, d. 1904
Osborn, Julia  b. circa 1887
Ridenour, Sarah Ellen  b. 1850, d. 1931
Tremper, John S  b. circa 1906, d. 1932
Wheeler, Carl  b. 1885
Wheeler, Donald  b. 1890
Wheeler, Max  b. 1880
Clark Co.
Las Vegas
Donovan, Laurence J.  b. 1913, d. 1996
Rossman, Lois Emaline  b. 1914, d. 1995
Rugg, Frances Fullam  b. 1918, d. 1998
Esmeralda Co.
Dilworth, Frances  b. circa 1855
Fetterman, Virginia  b. circa 1876
Fetterman, Washington Wilford  b. circa 1847, d. 1891
Lake Tahoe
Schatz, William K  b. 1931, d. 2004
Las Vegas
Funston, Raymond York  b. circa 1919, d. 1958
Sargent, Betty Jean  b. say 1920, d. 1999
Nye Co.
Duhme, Maclaren  b. 1917, d. 2002
Fisher, Isabella  b. circa 1854, d. 1922
Ridenour, David  b. 1801, d. 1896
Storey Co.
Virginia City
Aude, Francis Leander  b. circa 1821, d. 1889
Aude, Joseph Francis  b. 1854, d. 1942
Aude, Mary Susan  b. 1867, d. 1947
Cornish, Mabel Belinda  b. 1881, d. 1945
Glaven, Julia  b. circa 1837, d. 1909
Haefner, Barbara  b. 1822, d. 1903
Kaneen, Charles S  b. circa 1867, d. 1943
Kaneen, Edward Sylvester  b. 1878
Kaneen, John Stephen  b. 1829, d. 1915
Kaneen, Julia Ann  b. circa 1861, d. 1910
Kaneen, Margaret  b. circa 1872, d. 1958
Kaneen, Maud Stella  b. 1871, d. 1946
Kaneen, Nellie  b. circa 1864
Kaneen, Percival Kenross  b. circa 1859, d. 1924
Kaneen, Shelton Crosswith  b. 1858, d. 1928
Kaneen, William  b. 1873, d. 1904
Tremper, John S  b. circa 1906, d. 1932
Tremper, William Goldsmith  b. circa 1865
Virginia City
Foutch, Jack S  b. 1916, d. 1917
Washoe Co.
Ridenour, Sarah Ellen  b. 1850, d. 1931
Wheeler, Daniel C  b. 1841, d. 1915
Wheeler, Maud  b. 1875
Wheeler, Parke  b. 1878
Wheeler, Ruth Mae  b. circa 1872
Downen, Eliza "Celia"  b. 1808
Dunham, Mary J  b. circa 1847
Fisher, Isabella  b. circa 1854, d. 1922
Ridenour, David William  b. 1847, d. 1922
Ridenour, Echo  b. 1887
Ridenour, Eletha  b. 1837, d. 1917
Ridenour, Harriett  b. 1874
Ridenour, Sarah Ellen  b. 1850, d. 1931
Ridenour, Seborn  b. 1884
Wheeler, Carl  b. 1885
Wheeler, Daniel C  b. 1841, d. 1915
Wheeler, Donald  b. 1890
Wheeler, Maud  b. 1875
Wheeler, Max  b. 1880
Wheeler, Parke  b. 1878
New Brunswick
Alexander, John  b. circa 1815
Allain, Mary Blanche  b. 1868, d. 1958
Allan, Joseph  b. circa 1861
Allen, Eliza Jane  b. circa 1835
Ankettell, Richard c1811  b. circa 1811
Arsenault, Monique  b. circa 1820
Atkinson, Ada  b. circa 1892
Atkinson, John Willliam  b. 1852, d. 1938
Atkinson, Mary E  b. circa 1862
Atkinson, Robert  b. 1883, d. 1964
Babineau, Perpetué  b. 1810
Bambrick, Alexander1  b. 1845, d. before 1852
Barry, Catherine  b. circa 1818
Barry, Ellen  b. circa 1815, d. 1906
Barry, James  b. circa 1791, d. 1850
Barry, John  b. circa 1815
Barry, John  b. circa 1827, d. 1906
Barry, Mary  b. say 1810, d. before 1851
Barry, Mary  b. 1825, d. 1917
Barry, Patrick  b. say 1813
Bartley, Bernard  b. circa 1847
Bartley, Bridget  b. circa 1841
Bartley, Elizabeth  b. circa 1850, d. 1897
Bartley, Frances  b. circa 1861
Bartley, James  b. circa 1858
Bartley, John  b. circa 1854
Bartley, Mary Ann  b. circa 1845
Bartley, Sarah  b. circa 1856
Bass, Charles  b. circa 1863, d. 1949
Bass, George Scotsman  b. circa 1837, d. 1881
Bass, Mary E  b. circa 1862
Bateman, John  b. circa 1855
Beattie, John  b. 1842
Beatty, Mary  b. circa 1799
Belliveau, Adelard  b. 1911
Bennett, Aaron  b. 1847, d. 1930
Bennett, John  b. circa 1815
Bennett, Julia  b. circa 1854, d. 1900
Bennett, Richard  b. circa 1861
Benoit, Archange  b. 1910
Benoit, Elyie  b. 1908
Bent, Amy  b. 1880
Bent, Mary  b. circa 1876
Bishop, Anna  b. circa 1834, d. 1893
Blanch, Amiltie  b. circa 1865
Blanch, Catherine  b. circa 1872
Blanch, Charles  b. circa 1860
Blanch, Demetrius G  b. 1847, d. 1914
Blanch, James  b. circa 1838
Blanch, Jane  b. circa 1836
Blanch, Mary  b. circa 1846
Blanch, Mary  b. circa 1856
Blanch, Mary  b. circa 1865
Blanch, Patrick  b. circa 1800
Blanch, Thomas  b. circa 1869
Blanch, William  b. circa 1798
Blanch, William  b. circa 1855
Boleyn, Catherine  b. circa 1861
Boleyn, Jane  b. circa 1853
Boleyn, John  b. circa 1857
Boleyn, William  b. circa 1869
Bourque, Albert  b. 1885
Bourque, Casimir  b. circa 1821, d. 1888
Bourque, Etienne  b. 1818
Bourque, Ferdinand  b. circa 1856
Bourque, Hyppolite  b. circa 1858
Bourque, Joseph  b. circa 1815
Bourque, Lilli  b. circa 1876
Bourque, Lucille  b. 1862
Bourque, Marceline  b. circa 1825
Bourque, Marceline  b. 1863, d. 1964
Bourque, Marguerite  b. circa 1846
Bourque, Obeline  b. circa 1844
Bourque, Ramy  b. circa 1842
Bowser, Burton  b. 1881
Bowser, Humphrey  b. 1847
Bowser, Melbourne  b. 1872, d. 1936
Boyce, Mary Frances  b. circa 1886, d. 1971
Breau, James O P  b. 1860, d. 1944
Brennan, Ann  b. circa 1821
Brennan, Susan  b. circa 1842
Brothers, John  b. circa 1827, d. before 1855
Brothers, Mary E  b. circa 1864
Brown, Aubrey  b. circa 1865
Brun, Anna Evangeline  b. 1898
Brun, Anne  b. circa 1865
Brun, Florence  b. 1896
Brun, George  b. 1894
Brun, John Henry  b. 1887
Brun, Marie Elodie  b. 1885
Brun, Philomene  b. circa 1861
Budd, Phebe  b. circa 1797
Bulmer, William  b. 1846
Butler, Anne  b. circa 1852
Butler, Catherine  b. 1875
Butler, Eleanora  b. circa 1814, d. before 1869
Butler, Ellen  b. 1884
Butler, Frances  b. 1886
Butler, Jane  b. circa 1834
Butler, Jane  b. circa 1851
Butler, Johanna  b. 1891
Butler, John  b. 1882
Butler, Joseph  b. 1888
Butler, Marguerite  b. circa 1855
Butler, Mary  b. circa 1816, d. 1846
Butler, Mary  b. 1873
Butler, Robert  b. circa 1786
Butler, Robert IV  b. 1876
Butler, Robert Jr.  b. circa 1818
Butler, Sarah E  b. 1892
Butler, William  b. circa 1853
Butler, William J  b. 1880
Byrne, Elizabeth  b. circa 1803, d. 1886
Callahan, Mary  b. 1824, d. 1890
Cameron, Mary Agnes  b. circa 1844
Carroll, Elizabeth  b. circa 1825, d. 1883
Carroll, Elizabeth  b. 1860, d. 1928
Carroll, Ellen  b. circa 1839
Carroll, Helen  b. circa 1904
Carroll, James  b. circa 1838
Carroll, James Francis Joseph  b. 1937, d. 1937
Carroll, James J III  b. 1857, d. 1944
Carroll, John  b. circa 1833
Carroll, John  b. circa 1855, d. 1897
Carroll, John  b. circa 1880
Carroll, Joseph  b. 1863
Carroll, Julia Agnes  b. 1886, d. 1927
Carroll, Maggie  b. circa 1881
Carroll, Margaret  b. circa 1858, d. 1881
Carroll, Margaret  b. 1878
Carroll, Margaret Johanna  b. 1856, d. 1896
Carroll, Mary  b. circa 1834, d. 1904
Carroll, Mary Alice  b. 1853
Carroll, Michael  b. circa 1791, d. before 1861
Carroll, Michael  b. 1829
Carroll, William  b. 1836, d. 1920
Carroll, William Frederick  b. 1870
Carroll, William John  b. 1880, d. 1919
Carroll, William John  b. 1894
Carroll, William Jr.  b. 1858, d. 1861
Casey, Celeste  b. circa 1840
Casey, Maltin  b. circa 1846
Casey, Margaret  b. circa 1836
Casey, Martin  b. circa 1843
Casey, Maurice  b. circa 1842
Casey, Michael  b. circa 1848
Casey, Obil  b. circa 1833
Casey, Phoebe  b. circa 1831
Casey, Rosella  b. circa 1838
Cassidy, Alice  b. circa 1855
Cassidy, Charles  b. circa 1861
Cassidy, Edward  b. circa 1844
Cassidy, Elizabeth  b. circa 1841
Cassidy, James  b. circa 1801
Cassidy, James Jr.  b. circa 1837
Cassidy, John  b. circa 1826
Cassidy, Joshua  b. 1873
Cassidy, Marie  b. circa 1859
Cassidy, Mary  b. circa 1834
Cassidy, Mary E  b. 1897
Cassidy, Perpetue  b. circa 1864
Chandler, Emily  b. circa 1851
Chandler, James Watson Jr.  b. circa 1847
Chandler, Julia Sophia  b. circa 1845
Chandler, Robert Parker  b. circa 1843
Chandler, William Botsford  b. circa 1853
Chapman, Annie  b. 1859, d. 1943
Charles, Sarah  b. circa 1874
Clancy, Catherine  b. circa 1805
Cluny, Agatha  b. circa 1865
Cluny, Daniel  b. circa 1867
Cluny, John  b. circa 1877, d. circa 1879
Cluny, Mary  b. circa 1860
Cluny, Richard  b. circa 1869
Cluny, William  b. 1866
Coady, Francis  b. 1875
Coffey, Mary  b. 1870
Collins, Bridget  b. circa 1795
Collins, Mary  b. circa 1812
Como, Olivier  b. circa 1812, d. 1912
Connors, Brian  b. circa 1801, d. 1857
Connors, Brian Jr.  b. circa 1841
Connors, Bridget  b. circa 1855
Connors, Catherine  b. 1832
Connors, Catherine  b. circa 1853
Connors, Elizabeth  b. circa 1835
Connors, Ellen  b. circa 1852
Connors, James  b. circa 1800
Connors, James  b. circa 1836, d. 1908
Connors, Jane  b. circa 1844
Connors, John  b. circa 1829
Connors, John  b. circa 1833
Connors, John  b. circa 1857
Connors, Marcelisa  b. circa 1837
Connors, Margaret  b. circa 1832
Connors, Martin  b. circa 1848
Connors, Mary  b. circa 1846, d. 1927
Connors, Mary  b. circa 1846
Connors, Mary Ann  b. 1829
Connors, Michael  b. circa 1844
Connors, Michael  b. circa 1850
Connors, Patrick  b. circa 1815
Connors, Patrick  b. 1842, d. 1901
Connors, Thomas  b. circa 1839
Connors, Thomas  b. circa 1841
Conway, Edward (Rev.)  b. 1883
Conwell, Daniel  b. circa 1857
Conwell, Edward  b. 1887
Conwell, Henry  b. 1892
Conwell, James  b. 1889
Conwell, Margaret  b. 1890
Corbett, Ann  b. circa 1845
Corbett, Catherine  b. circa 1832
Corbett, Edward  b. circa 1836
Corbett, Ellen  b. circa 1831
Corbett, Ferdinand  b. circa 1842
Corbett, Ferdinand  b. circa 1866, d. 1893
Corbett, James  b. say 1804
Corbett, James  b. circa 1838
Corbett, Johannah  b. circa 1834
Corbett, John  b. circa 1827, d. 1887
Corbett, Margaret  b. circa 1835
Corbett, Mary Josephine  b. circa 1829
Corbett, Michael  b. 1839
Corbett, Michael  b. circa 1868
Cormier, Dominic  b. circa 1829
Cormier, Euphemie  b. 1837
Cormier, Eusebe  b. circa 1791
Cormier, Francis  b. circa 1842
Cormier, Françoise  b. circa 1820, d. 1885
Cormier, Fred  b. 1875
Cormier, Frederick  b. circa 1868
Cormier, Marguerite  b. circa 1825
Corrigan, Benjamin  b. circa 1813, d. 1911
Cosgrove, James Francis  b. circa 1884
Costello, Catherine  b. circa 1848, d. circa 1873
Coxen, Hattie  b. 1871
Coxen, John  b. circa 1837, d. 1876
Coxen, Mary  b. circa 1866
Coxen, Sarah  b. circa 1865
Coxen, William  b. circa 1868, d. 1901
Crane, Dora  b. circa 1865
Crane, James  b. circa 1868
Crane, Johanna  b. circa 1860
Crane, William  b. circa 1854
Cripps, George  b. circa 1797
Cripps, George  b. circa 1845
Cripps, John  b. circa 1851
Cronin, Catherine  b. circa 1827
Cronin, Daniel  b. circa 1834
Cronin, Denis  b. circa 1822
Cronin, Jeremiah  b. circa 1792
Cronin, Jeremiah Jr.  b. circa 1837
Cronin, Margaret  b. 1831, d. 1859
Cronin, Margaret  b. 1860, d. 1873
Cronin, Mary  b. 1805, d. 1892
Cronin, Mary  b. circa 1825, d. 1891
Cronin, Michael  b. circa 1830, d. 1891
Cronin, Patrick  b. circa 1858, d. 1866
Crossman, Charles  b. circa 1828
Crossman, Elizabeth  b. circa 1801
Crossman, Elizabeth  b. circa 1851
Crossman, Isabella  b. circa 1847
Crossman, John McGlashing  b. circa 1855
Crossman, Mary Ann  b. circa 1808, d. before 1842
Crossman, Mary Jane  b. circa 1853
Crossman, Mary Lavinia  b. circa 1859
Crossman, Nancy  b. 1873
Crossman, Robert  b. circa 1778
Crossman, Susannah  b. circa 1803, d. 1878
Crossman, William  b. circa 1822
Crow, Charles  b. 1867
Crow, Jeremiah  b. circa 1832
Crow, John T  b. circa 1854
Crow, William  b. circa 1863
Crow, William Henry  b. circa 1830, d. 1888
Crowe, Mary E  b. circa 1837
Crowe, Thomas  b. circa 1784
Cullen, Patrick  b. circa 1805
Cunningham, Alice  b. circa 1873
Cunningham, Mary  b. circa 1865
Cunningham, Michael  b. 1870, d. 1934
Cunningham, Patrick  b. circa 1867
Cunningham, Timothy  b. circa 1864
Currens, Elizabeth  b. circa 1798, d. 1856
Dale, Suzan  b. 1884, d. 1903
Dalton, Edward  b. circa 1794, d. 1856
Delahunt, Agnes  b. circa 1857
Delahunt, Ann
Delahunt, Bridget  b. circa 1836
Delahunt, Bridget  b. circa 1851
Delahunt, Caroline  b. circa 1859, d. 1921
Delahunt, Catherine  b. circa 1843
Delahunt, Eliza  b. circa 1843
Delahunt, Elizabeth  b. circa 1836, d. 1892
Delahunt, Florence E  b. 1923, d. 2012
Delahunt, Frederick  b. 1856
Delahunt, James  b. circa 1815
Delahunt, Johanna  b. circa 1837
Delahunt, Margaret  b. circa 1833, d. 1920
Delahunt, Margaret  b. circa 1844
Delahunt, Mary  b. circa 1834
Delahunt, Mary Ann  b. circa 1838, d. 1880
Delahunt, Mary J  b. circa 1855
Delahunt, Mary Pauline  b. 1918, d. 1918
Delahunt, Nicholas  b. circa 1796
Delahunt, Richard  b. circa 1789
Delahunt, Richard  b. circa 1812
Delahunt, Ruth  b. circa 1845
Delahunt, Thomas  b. circa 1838
Delahunt, William  b. 1825, d. 1904
Dobson, Ann  b. circa 1838
Dobson, Anna E  b. 1856
Dobson, Anna Maria  b. 1850, d. 1853
Dobson, Avard Wells  b. 1844, d. 1932
Dobson, George Johnson  b. 1855, d. 1885
Dobson, Job  b. 1816, d. 1857
Dobson, Maria  b. circa 1807, d. 1877
Doherty, Ann  b. circa 1826, d. 1856
Doiron, Ursula  b. circa 1821, d. 1878
Donahoe, Alice  b. circa 1845, d. 1932
Donahoe, Alice  b. 1881
Donahoe, Edward  b. circa 1837
Donahoe, Edward Jr.  b. 1884, d. 1910
Donahoe, Ellen  b. circa 1839, d. 1895
Donahoe, Gertrude  b. 1888
Donahoe, Hugh T  b. 1878
Donahoe, James  b. circa 1841, d. 1925
Donahoe, James E Jr.  b. circa 1875
Donahoe, John  b. circa 1833
Donahoe, John  b. 1879
Donahoe, John W  b. circa 1878
Donahoe, Laura C  b. 1886, d. 1959
Donahoe, Margaret  b. 1877, d. 1922
Donahoe, Mary  b. 1835, d. 1925
Donahoe, Mary  b. circa 1880
Donahoe, Patrick  b. circa 1806, d. 1889
Donahoe, Patrick  b. circa 1839
Donahoe, Sarah E  b. circa 1885
Donahoe, Susan  b. circa 1833
Donahoe, Susan  b. 1878, d. 1890
Donahoe, Thomas L  b. circa 1883
Donahoe, Timothy  b. circa 1876
Donahoe, William F  b. circa 1884
Donelle, Anne  b. 1897
Donelle, William  b. 1892
Donohoe, Patrick  b. circa 1864
Donovan, Alice  b. 1903
Donovan, Anne Dolores  b. 1897
Donovan, Charles  b. 1901
Donovan, Daniel  b. circa 1819, d. 1885
Donovan, Daniel Jr.  b. circa 1816
Donovan, Edward Ralph  b. 1907
Donovan, Ellen  b. say 1821
Donovan, Eugene Joseph  b. 1909
Donovan, Francis  b. 1895
Donovan, James Daniel  b. 1889
Donovan, John  b. circa 1820
Donovan, John  b. 1850, d. 1875
Donovan, Julia  b. circa 1818, d. 1847
Donovan, Lucy  b. 1892
Donovan, Margaret  b. 1858
Donovan, Marie Leslie Julia  b. 1891
Donovan, Mary  b. circa 1803, d. 1868
Donovan, Mary  b. circa 1815
Donovan, Mary  b. circa 1854
Donovan, Mary Alice "Sally"  b. 1894, d. 1964
Donovan, Mary Ann  b. circa 1829
Donovan, Michael  b. circa 1824, d. 1891
Donovan, Patrick  b. circa 1860
Donovan, Patrick William  b. 1909
Donovan, Sarah Agnes  b. 1896, d. 1949
Donovan, William Edward  b. 1894
Donovan, William Lawrence  b. 1887, d. 1933
Doody, Margaret  b. circa 1796
Dowd, Effie  b. circa 1886
Dowling, Ann  b. circa 1831
Dowling, Catherine  b. circa 1826
Dowling, James  b. circa 1834
Dowling, Thomas  b. circa 1829
Downey, Andrew  b. circa 1796
Downey, Catherine  b. circa 1831
Downey, William  b. circa 1848
Downing, George  b. circa 1863
Downing, Isabella  b. circa 1872
